How To Say “Good Morning” In Tagalog

Good is “mabuti” in Tagalog while morning is equivalent to “umaga.” However, if you want to greet someone Good morning in Tagalog, you don’t say “Mabuting umaga.” Instead, use the following:
Magandang umaga.
Good morning.
“Maganda” is beautiful in Tagalog while “-ng” links it to “umaga” (morning). This is how Filipinos greet each other in the morning. Alternatively, you can use:
Magandang araw!
Good day!/Beautiful day!
If you are addressing someone older than you or a person (such as a doctor) that holds a position of authority, you add “po” as a sign of respect. Example:
Magandang umaga po.
Good morning. (formal)
Another variation is by adding “sa iyo” to “Magandang umaga.” This can be contracted to simply “sa’yo.” When addressing an elderly or any person of authority, you change “sa iyo” into “sa inyo” and add the “po” as a sign of respect. You can use “sa inyo” as is to address more than one person.
Plural form of both is “sa inyong lahat” which is used when greeting a group of people. Examples:
Magandang umaga sa iyo.
Good morning to you. (one person)
Magandang umaga sa inyo.
Good morning to you. (more than one person)
Magandang umaga po sa inyo.
Good morning to you. (formal)
Magandang umaga sa inyong lahat.
Good morning to all of you.
Magandang umaga po sa inyong lahat.
Good morning to all of you. (formal)
When reciprocating or responding to this greeting, you use “din” or “rin” which are the Filipino equivalents of “also” or “too.”
Magandang umaga din
Good morning also.
Magandang umaga din sa iyo.
Good morning also.
Magandang araw din po sa inyo.
Good morning to you, too. (formal)
Magandang araw din sa inyong lahat.
Good morning also to all of you.
Magandang araw din po sa inyong lahat.
Good morning also to all of you. (formal)
Watch Video: How To Say Good Morning In Tagalog.
Learn more Tagalog words in FilipiKnow’s Tagalog-English Dictionary
Other Filipino expressions:
How To Say “Happy Birthday” In Tagalog
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