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PMA Reviewer for Entrance Exam 2024 [Free PDF Downloads]

PMA Reviewer for Entrance Exam 2024 [Free PDF Downloads]

Before entering the Philippine Military Academy (PMA) and taking your first step to becoming an AFP officer, you must pass the PMA Entrance Exam.

The PMA Entrance Exam (PMAEE) gauges your academic aptitude to determine whether you’re fit to become a PMA cadet. It’s also one of the most competitive entrance exams; for instance, from about 33,000 takers last August 20191, only the top 1,500 passed the exam and made it to the next stage (equivalent to a 4.5% passing rate).

Passing the PMAEE entails intense preparation; a good reviewer can come in handy. This is why we’ve prepared this Ultimate PMA Reviewer for the Entrance Exam, tailored to increase your chances of entering the country’s premier military academy. 

What Is the Philippine Military Academy (PMA)?

The Philippine Military Academy (PMA) is the leading military educational institution in the country. It was officially established in December 19362, in Baguio City. 

PMA cadets are entitled to free tuition and a monthly allowance. Upon graduation, successful cadets will be conferred the rank of second lieutenant of the Philippine Army, Philippine Air Force, or Philippine Navy and required to enter active military service afterward.

What Is the PMA Entrance Exam (PMAEE)?

The PMA Entrance Exam (PMACQT or PMA Cadet Qualifying Examination)  is a prerequisite to qualifying as a PMA cadet. This 4.5-hour-long3 written exam is administered annually in various AFP camps nationwide on a date determined by PMA. According to previous examinees, the exam contains 200 items/questions.

How To Use This PMA Reviewer

This PMA reviewer consists of three major parts corresponding to the three subtests of PMAEE4:

  • Mathematics (Algebra, Basic Statistics, and Geometry)
  • English (Grammar, Composition, and Reading Comprehension)
  • SPMA (Verbal and Numerical Reasoning and Pattern Analysis)

Each part consists of modules and topic summaries which you can use to recall concepts you’ve learned in your high school classes. The reviewer also comes with practice questions and answer keys, which you can use to assess your understanding of the topics.

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1. Mathematics

pma reviewer 1

This part assesses your quantitative ability in algebra, geometry, trigonometry, and statistics. Questions involve mathematical expressions and equations, and problem-solving.

PMAEE Mathematics Modules and Readings + Printable Quizzes

a. Arithmetic and Number Sense

b. Algebra

c. Geometry

d. Trigonometry

e. Basic Statistics

PMAEE Mathematics Printable Summary/Review Notes (Available Now!)

PMAEE Mathematics Printable Flashcards (Available Now!)

PMAEE Mathematics Review Tips and Tricks

  • PMAEE prohibits using any calculating device in the test, so you have to refresh your arithmetic skills. Review how to add whole numbers, integers, fractions, and decimals since knowing them are necessary to master other mathematical concepts.
  • Master the skill of translating verbal phrases into algebraic expressions. This skill will help you answer mathematical word problems. To achieve this skill, remember keywords (e.g., increase, decrease, of, yield, at most) for various mathematical operations.
  • Recall basic formulas for the perimeter and area of basic geometric figures like squares, rectangles, triangles, and circles. There are lots of questions in the exam that are related to perimeter and area.
  • Repetition is necessary to remember the steps in solving mathematical questions. Allot at least an hour in your review session doing mathematical computations.
  • Previous examinees stated that algebra outnumbers other fields in the math subtest. Thus, prepare yourself by reviewing basic operations on algebraic expressions, laws of exponents, solving equations, and so on.
  • For trigonometry, do not forget the acronyms SOH-CAH-TOA and CHO-SAH-CAO. They can help you remember how to find trigonometric values given a right triangle. Also, make sure that you still remember the trigonometric values of special angles (0°, 30°, 45°, 60°, and 90). Again, scientific calculators are not allowed in the exam, so it is expected that if there’s a question that requires finding the trigonometric value of an angle, then the given angle is probably one of the special angles. Lastly, do not forget the basic properties of the sine, cosine, and tangent functions, as they are sometimes asked in the test. For example, the sine and cosine function values are always within 0 to 1, whereas tangent equals the ratio of sine to cosine.

PMAEE Mathematics Practice Tests (Free PDF Downloads)

PMAEE Mathematics Printable Mock Exam + Answer Key (Available Now!)

2. English

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This part measures your proficiency in using the English language. Questions mainly revolve around proper English grammar and usage, reading comprehension, and sentence construction.

PMAEE English Modules and Readings + Printable Quizzes

a. Grammar

  • Parts of Speech
  • Pronoun and Its Antecedent
  • Subject-Verb Agreement
  • Synonyms and Antonyms
  • Spotting Errors in Sentences

b. Composition

c. Reading Comprehension

PMAEE English Review Tips and Tricks

  • Read different forms of English texts (e.g., poems, short stories, paragraphs, essays) and be sure that you can spot the main idea. Usually, the main idea is located at the text’s beginning or end. 
  • Widen your vocabulary as early as possible. One way to achieve this is by learning five new English words daily and using them properly in a sentence. For example, the word “flabbergasted,” which means “surprised,” can be used in a sentence like this: The message from the stranger made everyone flabbergasted.
  • Practice reading the questions first before the given reading selection. By following this technique, you can scan the given text and look for the answer instead of reading the entire passage and wasting a lot of time.
  • Sometimes, the choices in a question seem to be all correct. In this case, you must look for the best answer among the options. To achieve this, examine the given options individually and consider how each can be the WRONG answer. The best answer is the choice you cannot prove to be wrong.
  • Learn the classification of various English words as it is usually asked in the test (e.g., the word “GIRL” is an improper noun, but “LINDA” is a proper noun).

3. Abstract Reasoning (SPMA)

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This subtest challenges logical reasoning through questions about word relationships, numerical patterns, and visual sequences. 

PMAEE Abstract Reasoning Modules and Readings + Printable Quizzes

a. Verbal Reasoning (Word Analogy)

  • Single-Word Approach
  • Double-Word Approach

b. Numerical Reasoning

c. Pattern Analysis (Spatial Reasoning)

PMAEE Abstract Reasoning Review Tips and Tricks

1. Constant answering of timed exams is necessary to ace this part. This will improve not only your ability to recognize patterns but also your ability to manage time and pressure.

2. Some word relationships that can be encountered in verbal reasoning tests are:

  • Synonyms (e.g., clement – mild)
  • Antonyms (e.g., trivial – significant)
  • Parts to the whole (e.g., frets – guitar)
  • Symbol to its representation (e.g., dove – peace)
  • Object to function (e.g., scissors – cut)
  • Item to category (e.g., tomato – fruit) 
  • User to the tool (e.g., sailor – sextant)
  • Cause to effect (e.g., rain – flood)
  • Geography (e.g., Warsaw – Poland)
  • Measurement to the unit used (e.g., luminosity – candela)

3. For spatial reasoning, familiarize yourself with the common patterns used in abstract reasoning exams such as:

  • Rotating the shapes 
  • Changing the shade of the shapes
  • Increasing/decreasing the number of sides of the shapes
  • Changing the number of shapes in each image
  • Changing the positions of the shapes

General Tips To Pass PMA Entrance Exam

  • Start reviewing at least three months before the exam. By starting early, you have ample time to develop test-taking skills needed to answer subtests (like verbal and logical reasoning) that require effective test-taking strategies rather than memorization.
  • Train yourself to focus only on the answer sheet while taking the exam. Looking at other examinees while taking the PMAEE is grounds for disqualification. Hence, you must develop the habit of looking only at the answer sheet while taking the exam.
  • Aside from good reviewers, good review habits will also increase your chances of passing. This includes allotting at least an hour daily to answer mock exams, cutting time allotted to leisure, and caring for your physical and mental health.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Is the PMA Entrance Exam hard?

Previous examinees have shared that the questions are not that difficult since they’ve already learned the topics in high school. However, it is challenging because of the limited time and the need to be attentive to follow the proctor’s instructions correctly to avoid being disqualified. Furthermore, some proctors prohibit the examinees from returning to questions belonging to a subtest that is already completed or advancing to a subtest without the proctor’s instruction.

2. What is the PMA Entrance Exam passing score?

There is no specified passing grade for PMAEE. To proceed to the next qualification test, however, your score must be high enough to make it to the quota determined by the President of the Philippines annually.

3. Is PMA a college?

PMA can be considered a college since it prepares you for a particular profession in the future (i.e., being a military officer). However, unlike universities and tertiary institutions, PMA will not allow you to take any other profession immediately after graduation, as you must serve as an active military officer for five years.

4. Can PMA cadets use phones?

New PMA (fourth-class) cadets cannot use mobile phones while training.

5. Can a college graduate apply for PMA?

No, only graduating or graduate Grade 12 students are eligible to take the PMAEE, a prerequisite to entering the PMA.

6. How many times can I take the PMAEE?

You can take the PMAEE as many times as you wish as long as you still meet the following qualifications:

Single and has never been married
17 – 22 years old
Grade 12 graduate 
No administrative or criminal case
Physically fit and of good moral character



  1. Agoot, L. (2019). 33K applicants take PMA entrance exam. Retrieved 1 April 2022, from https://www.pna.gov.ph/articles/1079662
  2. The Philippine Military Academy - History, Traditions and General Information. (2018). Retrieved 1 April 2022, from https://www.pma.edu.ph/about.php
  3. Admission. (2018). Retrieved 1 April 2022, from https://www.pma.edu.ph/admission.php
  4. Philippine Military Academy (PMA). (2021). Frequently Asked Question - How should I prepare for the exam? [Image]. Retrieved from https://www.facebook.com/philippinemilitaryacademypublicaffairs/photos/a.4935531333130303/5026119710738131

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