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Jocelyn Soriano, CPA

Freelance writer, published author, book reviewer, beta reader, and blogger. 



Jocelyn first worked with SGV & Co., after which she worked as a branch accountant at a large appliance store before working as an internal auditor at the GSIS.

She then worked at PDIC (Philippine Deposit Insurance Corporation), a government agency that works hand in hand with the BSP and is an attached agency of the Department of Finance.  There, she specialized as a risk-based auditor and also examined various banks in relation to the agency’s mandate of complementary bank supervision.

After 11 years, she left the agency and migrated to Australia.  

She has been a full-time writer since then and managed to create her own websites and Android applications and has become experienced in SEO, newsletter subscriptions, and social media marketing.

She has published more than 15 books and became a book reviewer and beta reader.  Her screenplay “Lighthouse” was chosen as a finalist in Star Cinema’s Scriptwriting Competition.

She currently writes for FilipiKnow for tax and accounting-related articles while managing to maintain her own blog and newsletter subscriptions.  She is also a poet and still dreams of publishing her Filipino epic high-fantasy novel.



Jocelyn graduated Summa Cum Laude with a degree in Bachelor of Science in Accountancy from the University of the East.  She passed the CPA exams right after six months of review.

You can connect with her via her social media channels, her Amazon page, and her websites itakeoffthemask.com and  singlecatholicwriter.substack.com 

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