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15 Filipino Words You Didn’t Know Exist

15 Filipino Words You Didn’t Know Exist

We often find foreigners who struggle to learn Tagalog rather amusing. But truth be told, Filipinos–no matter how fluent we are in speaking our native language–still have so much to learn.

Ever heard of haynayan (biology), karumalan (menstrual period), or panghibayo (amplifier)? If you haven’t heard of these words, then welcome to the club! Indeed, we can be strangers even to our own language.

Here are another 15 Filipino words and NEOLOGISMS (i.e.  recently invented) that you might want to share with your friends and office mates:

Try This: FilipiKnow’s Ultimate Tagalog-English Dictionary
pook sapot + filipino words

Filipino word: Pook-sapot

English translation: Website

Definition:   A place on the World Wide Web that contains information about a person, organization, etc., and that usually consists of many Web pages joined by hyperlinks. (Source: Merriam-Webster)

sulatroniko + pinoy words

Filipino word: Sulatroniko

English translation: E-mail

Definition: A system for sending messages from one computer to another computer. (Source: Merriam-Webster)

yakis + rare tagalog words

Filipino word: Yakis

English translation: “To sharpen”

Definition: To make (something) sharp or sharper.  (Source: Merriam-Webster)

pang ulong hatinig + rare filipino words

Filipino word: Pang-ulong hatinig

English translation: Headset

Definition: A device that holds an earphone and a microphone in place on a person’s head. (Source: Merriam-Webster)


Filipino word: Panginain

English translation: Browser

Definition: A computer program that is used to find and look at information on the Internet. (Source: Merriam-Webster)


Filipino word: Pantablay

English translation: Charger

Definition: A device for charging storage batteries. (Source: Merriam-Webster)

miktinig + tagalog language

Filipino word: Miktinig

English translation: Microphone

Definition: An instrument whereby sound waves are caused to generate or modulate an electric current usually for the purpose of transmitting or recording sound (as speech or music). (Source: Merriam-Webster)


Filipino word: Kawingan

English translation: Hyperlink

Definition: A highlighted word or picture in a document or Web page that you can click on with a computer mouse to go to another place in the same or a different document or Web page. (Source: Merriam-Webster)


Filipino word: Initsigan

English translation: Thermodynamics

Definition: A science that deals with the action of heat and related forms of energy. (Source: Merriam-Webster)


Filipino word: Duyog

English translation: Eclipse

Definition: An occasion when the sun looks like it is completely or partially covered with a dark circle because the moon is between the sun and the Earth. (Source: Merriam-Webster)


Filipino word: Danumsigwasan

English translation: Hydraulics

Definition: The science that deals with ways to use liquid (such as water) when it is moving. (Source: Merriam-Webster)

dagibalniing liboy

Filipino word: Dagibalniing liboy

English translation: Electromagnetic wave

Definition: One of the waves that are propagated by simultaneous periodic variations of electric and magnetic field intensity and that include radio waves, infrared, visible light, ultraviolet, X-rays, and gamma rays. (Source: Merriam-Webster)

bilnuran + tagalog word

Filipino word: Bilnuran

English translation: Arithmetic

Definition: A branch of mathematics that deals usually with the nonnegative real numbers including sometimes the transfinite cardinals and with the application of the operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division to them. (Source: Merriam-Webster)

asoge + filipino word

Filipino word: Asoge

English translation: Mercury

Definition: A silver metal that is liquid at normal temperatures. (Source: Merriam-Webster)

anluwage + filipino dictionary words

Filipino word: Anluwage

English translation: Carpenter

Definition: A person whose job is to make or fix wooden objects or wooden parts of buildings. (Source: Merriam-Webster)

Written by FilipiKnow

in Facts & Figures

Last Updated


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