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How to Write the First Sentences of Your Essay?

How to Write the First Sentences of Your Essay?

Writing the first sentences of an essay will take little time if you know a few basic rules.

In this article, learn how to write the first sentences of your essay effectively with our detailed guide. Find tips on structure, format, and templates to help you write efficiently.

How to Write the First Sentences of Your Essay 1 How to Write the First Sentences of Your Essay?

What should be in the introduction?

An essay is a written work that contains information from various scientific sources on a given topic. Essays often use information from primary sources, revealing all the directions with which the goals and objectives are solved.

When writing a paper, it is necessary not only to define the problem but also to argue it, as well as to analyze the various points of view of researchers on a given topic. If it sounds too difficult for you, you can always google “write my research paper” to get some help. A writer will do the necessary research and write a well-structured paper for you.

The requirements for the first sentences, main part, and conclusion will differ depending on the type of essay. Therefore, the introduction to essays can be written in free form. You can briefly outline what will be discussed using the necessary phrases from the introduction to the book or article.

The situation is more complicated with research essays and reviews. Here, as in any research work, you will have to fill in several obligatory points: indicate the relevance, subject and object, goal and objectives, and justify the choice of topic.


You will have to start writing the first sentences by indicating the importance and necessity of your work and its practical value. The hint will be the authors’ opinion of the works you are analyzing. Each must contain a rationale for why these books were written, what problem they touched on, and why it is essential. This information should be reflected in the introduction to the essay in the paragraph about relevance.

The second point is the value of independent analysis. To whom can it be useful? Possible answers: other students of the specialty or people whose professional interests lie in the same field. The benefit is that they do not have to do extra work, study voluminous books, and look for the information they need. It is enough to refer to your essay review.

Finally, writing an essay will help you structure your own knowledge on the subject and successfully master the course in which the project is being carried out.

Goal and Tasks

To formulate the goal, answer the question: What topic do you write the essay on? What is it about? At the beginning of the sentence, put the verb (to study, explore, compare, analyze, consider, identify), then indicate the topic of the primary sources.

For example:

•           To compare the philosophical views on the Cosmos of ancient Greek thinkers

•           To identify the chronology of the appearance of studies on the theory of the inorganic origin of oil

•           To describe the genre features of satire based on the work of literary critics

•           To analyze the articles of modern media devoted to the Soviet era.

Objectives are the steps you take to achieve a goal. An essay’s optimal number of points is three (no less than two and no more than five). Task examples:

•           To study the biography of the author of the original source

•           To analyze their scientific works and articles

•           To compare the author’s views on the problem in early and mature years.

Subject and Object

An object is something that is studied and described in the paper. A subject is a certain part or side of the object on which attention is focused. The object is always more comprehensive than the subject is. In relation to the essay, the object of study will be the primary sources, the subject – what is specifically interested in them.

For example:

•           The object is the religions of the people of Europe; the subject is the cult of animals.

•           The object is a collection of reports of scientific and practical conferences in physics for 2018-2020. The subject is the phenomenon of magnetism

•           The object is the labor code; the subject is the procedure for paying holidays and sick leaves.

As a genre of scientific style, the essay is characterized by accuracy, consistency, conclusive presentation of the material, strict composition, and structure. The use of formulaic phrases and clichés characterizes it.

In the introduction, you can use the following phrases:

•           This work is dedicated to …;

•           The essay is a comparative analysis, review, and description;

•           The paper is divided into three parts: begins with …, consists of …, ends with …;

•           Viewpoints are presented…;

•           The goal is to …;

•           Special attention is paid to …;

•           The topic is relevant because …;

•           The essay covers a significant section of the material …;

•           The main value of the work is …;

•           From a practical point of view, the essential thing is …;

•           The most important thing is …;

•           It is necessary to highlight, underline, add, and write a description …;

•           The presented problem is …;

•           The research question is …;

•           Further course of reasoning is…;

•           It may mean that …;

•           As shown, etc.

The research essay is written in a standard, “dry” language, characterized by indefinitely personal and impersonal sentences, abstract nouns, many terms, and adverbial and participle isolated constructions.

Formatting of the introduction according to requirements

1.         Select all text. Choose a Times New Roman font, size 14, black color.

2.         Right-click on the selected text, paragraph – one and a half.

3.         Insert tab—> Page number. The numbering is done at the bottom, in the middle, in Arabic numerals, starting from the title page. The number is not written on the title itself.

4.         The word INTRODUCTION is placed in the center of the line, and all letters in the word are capitalized.

5.         Bold, italic, and underline can be used to highlight essential elements of the text.

6.         To adjust paragraph indentation, select all the text and move the slider on the ruler at the top of the sheet to the appropriate value. You can also set the indent value on the main tab in the “paragraph” field or go to the appropriate settings using the right mouse button.

7.         Page orientation should be a portrait, not a landscape. Format – A4.

8.         The volume of the entire introduction text, properly formatted, is at most 1-2 pages.

9.         The essay is printed on white paper on one side of the sheet. Make sure that the text is legible, that all letters, symbols, and signs are printed correctly, and that the brightness and contrast are the same everywhere.

The first sentences of the essay are drawn up according to the general requirements concerning all reports on scientific and practical work without exception. Some of the requirements are added at their discretion by higher educational institutions. Finally, some aspects are a tribute to the traditions developed in the academic field.

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Written by FilipiKnow

in writing


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