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Why do I keep getting rejected for a BPI credit card?

Banks use your credit history and the information you provided in your application to decide whether to approve or reject you for a credit card.

If you keep getting declined for a credit card, it could be due to any of these reasons:

  • Invalid and/or incomplete requirements (expired ID, outdated ITR, etc.)
  • Incomplete or inconsistent information on your application form
  • Too low income
  • Poor credit history (too much debt, overdue credit card or loan balances, etc.)

Once you’ve identified the exact reason behind the rejection, don’t re-apply again until you resolve the issue that got you rejected in the first place.

It is recommended to wait for 3 to 6 months before re-applying for a credit card to avoid leaving a negative impression on the bank.

Go back to the main page: How to Apply for BPI Credit Card: An Ultimate Guide

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