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Can You Work in Australia on a Tourist Visa?

No, you cannot work under a tourist visa as this is one of the conditions for Visitor Visa (Subclass 600) – 8101 – No work.

Work means performing a task where you are paid or normally paid. However, the following are not considered work, hence, you can undertake these activities under your visitor visa:

  • Volunteer work
  • Doing work in your online job in the Philippines
  • Studying in a university outside Australia and the activity relates to your study and is credited to your course
  • Seeing how people work in an industry
  • Short-term domestic or caregiving activities for your family member
  • Study and train for up to 3 months in total

Related: How To Get a Job in Australia (Plus Latest POEA Jobs)

Go back to the main article: How To Apply for an Australian Tourist Visa: A Complete Guide for Filipino Tourists

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