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How To Pay SSS Contribution Using ShopeePay

ShopeePay is one of the features of the Shopee app, the most popular online shopping site in the country. It is a secured and convenient online platform where you can pay bills and different government transactions, including the monthly payments of SSS contributions1. Bills payment through ShopeePay also gives you up to 25% cashback.

Self-employed, voluntary, non-working spouses and OFWs are the only types of SSS members who can use ShopeePay to pay their monthly contributions.

Here are the steps on how to pay SSS contribution using ShopeePay:

  1. Open the Shopee app and login
  2. On the Shopee app’s home screen, select “Loads, Bills, and Travel”
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  1. Under the “Bills” section, select “Government Services”
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  1. Select “SSS Contribution” as a biller. Note that aside from SSS, you can also use ShopeePay to pay the following government institutions: Pag-IBIG, Manila LGU, Marina, NBI, and TIEZA.
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  1. Enter your SSS account number and the monthly contribution amount
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  1. Click Continue to proceed

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  1. Social Security System (SSS). (2022). SSS now accepts contribution payments of individual members through ShopeePay. Retrieved from https://www.sss.gov.ph/sss/appmanager/pages.jsp?page=PR2022_023

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