How to Start a Writing Assignment: 9 Simple Tips

Taking the first step to begin writing assignment can be really difficult. The temptation to put off the task till the last minute is great, not to mention all the distractions, like social media notifications or an urge to watch a new Netflix show. Yet, if you want to stay on top of your coursework, you need to learn how to fight procrastination, be disciplined, and even enjoy the writing process. Yes, it is possible!
In this article, you’ll find a short guide with nine tips on how to start writing assignment that will inspire you to take a new approach.
We even consulted essay writers from EssayHub to pinpoint techniques that worked and were tried and tested by real pros. Let’s get started!

Table of Contents
1. Start With What You Like Most
The writing process consists of multiple steps, and some stages of a writing assignment are easier than others. Identify what you want to do the most at the moment: research a topic that captivates you, write an outline, answer questions that you already understand, etc.
For example, some students may feel unsure how to start an introductory paragraph, so skip it for now. Begin your writing with the body paragraphs and come back to the introduction later. After completing simple and small tasks, you will notice your progress and be motivated to continue.
2. Create a Pleasant Atmosphere
It is crucial to know your study habits. When do you feel most focused? Does background music inspire you or distract you? Do you like to study in a group (for example, in a coffee shop or library with friends), or do you need complete solitude?
Experiment and you will understand which conditions you are most productive for assignment writing. Also, ensure you have everything you need nearby: a notepad and pen to headphones, a cup of coffee, or dark chocolate for extra energy.
3. Choose the Right Time Slots for Your Writing Assignment
We are used to watching short videos and reading short tweets, so it is becoming increasingly difficult to concentrate on something for a long time. Yet, your writing session doesn’t have to take hours. Devote 20 minutes to start. With such a manageable goal, the task will feel less intimidating, and who knows, it may even engage you enough that you’ll want to continue writing.
4. Do a Little Every Day
Make a schedule for yourself, for example:
- Monday: do research, save useful sources, write down citations;
- Tuesday: write your outline;
- Wednesday: work on the introduction
- Thursday: develop the main body;
- Friday: write the conclusion;
- Saturday: move on to proofreading and editing;
- Sunday: relax and enjoy the result.
From a psychological point of view, one big writing assignment is scary, but manageable blocks are a completely different story. EssayHub writers recommend building your schedule with realistic expectations and taking a well-deserved break to recharge.
5. Change the Focus
New experiences stimulate our brains. Try changing the environment and adding new activities to get an influx of inspiration. For example, you may want to go for a walk after finishing a complex paragraph. Physical exercise releases endorphins and makes you more creative.
6. Set Adequate Expectations for Assignment Writing
When is your deadline? Can you write for an hour today? How many words can you write? Do you need additional materials or help from classmates or a tutor?
No need to overload yourself or give up cozy dinners with family or a long-planned trip to a festival. Just make a flexible schedule to manage your time.
7. Use Your Intuition
If you are stuck in one place and can’t squeeze words out of yourself, try these methods:
- Write down the associations and keywords that come to mind when you read the topic;
- Discuss the subject matter with friends and exchange insights;
- Read writing assignment examples;
- Use a freewriting technique.
8. Understand the Assignment From A to Z
Nothing gives you confidence and efficiency like understanding what you need to do. Study the instructions in detail. Pay attention to words like explain, compare, or prove. Highlight the key concepts. It is important to comply with all the assignment writing requirements, especially the technical and stylistic ones.
If you are confused, don’t hesitate to ask your teacher for help. They will definitely appreciate your desire to do everything at the highest level.

9. Don’t Be a Perfectionist
Allow yourself to be imperfect. After all, you are just working on the initial draft. Most likely, you will rewrite it a bunch of times. At this stage, the goal is simple – to start the assignment. You can always go back and make the necessary edits.
To Wrap It Up
Does the phrase “assignment writing” make you feel scared or bored? Do you experience writer’s block? Do you tend to procrastinate? With these nine tips in mind, you’ll turn writing assignments into manageable tasks that are more exciting than intimidating.
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