Home  »  My Japan visa application is denied. What should I do?

My Japan visa application is denied. What should I do?

There’s nothing you can do, except to wait for six months before you can re-apply. That’s more than enough time to get all your documents ready and ensure you’ll get approved next time.


Why am I denied for a Japan visa?

The Japanese Embassy never discloses its reason for rejecting a particular visa application, even if you inquire about it.

This is to prevent anyone from using the information to get around the visa application review process and enter Japan to work or settle illegally.

The Embassy, however, has a set of criteria for issuing visas. If your application is denied, it may mean you failed to meet any of those criteria, such as submitting “complete, authentic, and satisfactory” documents and a valid passport.

Go back to the main article: How to Get Japan Visa in the Philippines

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