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Filipino student has 40 first names!

Filipino student has 40 first names!

Ratziel, a senior high school student in Urdaneta City National High School, fascinates every person who comes across his personal documents.

According to Philippine Daily Inquirer, Ratziel has 40 first names, one surname, and a name suffix. The following is his complete name:

Ratziel Timshel Ismail Zerubbabel Zabud Zimry Pike Blavatsky Philo Judaeus Polidorus Isurenus Morya Nylghara Rakoczy Kuthumi Krishnamurti Ashram Jerram Akasha Aum Ultimus Rufinorum Jancsi Janko Diamond Hu Ziv Zane Zeke Wakeman Wye Muo Teletai Chohkmah Nesethrah Mercavah Nigel Seven Morningstar A. San Juan CCCII.

The suffix is actually Roman numerals equivalent to “302.” Rufino San Juan V, Ratziel’s father, said that the numbers came from his Masonic Lodge whose anniversary was exactly the same as Ratziel’s birth date. In addition to that, the suffix also symbolizes the end of the family’s penchant for long names.

Before Ratziel was born, there was his grandfather who already loved playing with words. As a matter of fact, he named his four sons Rufino Ray III, Rufino Ranulfo IV, Rufino Ramil V, and Rufino Ronaldo VI.

The names of Ratziel’s older brother and sister were equally interesting. Each of them has 20 first names which, like in the case of Ratziel, have made filling out important documents a little more troublesome.

In fact, it took 3 years before NSO was able to release one of their birth certificates.

World’s Longest Names.

Ratziel’s name certainly catches attention but other countries have their own fair share of this oddity.

Man with the longest surname.

The name Hubert Blaine Wolfe may not sound unusual to you. But that’s because the man chose brevity over his unusually long surname.

The 12th edition of the Guinness Book of World Records declared Mr. Wolfe ‘s 590-letter name as the longest in history. Official records reveal that his complete name is Adolph Blaine Charles David Earl Frederick Gerald Hubert Irvin John Kenneth Lloyd Martin Nero Oliver Paul Quincy Randolph Sherman Thomas Uncas Victor William Xerxes Yancy Wolfeschlegelsteinhausenbergerdorff Sr. 

Born in Hamburg, Germany in 1904, Mr. Wolfe decided to only use the “eighth and second Christian names and the first 35 letters of his surname” for his own convenience.

The place with the longest name.

According to Guinness, the place with the longest name in common usage  is Taumata whaka tangi hanga koauau o tamatea turi pukakapi ki maunga horo nuku poka i whenua kitana tahu. 

It’s the name of a  hill found in Central Hawke’s Bay, New Zealand and is translated as  ‘a place where Tamatea, the man with the big knees, who slid, climbed and swallowed mountains, known as land-eater, played his flute to his loved one.’

However, in terms of the total number of letters, New Zealand’s record is eclipsed by Bangkok’s official name.

Literally translated as ” City of Angels,” Bangkok’s official name failed to beat world record because it’s not commonly used by the locals on a daily basis. Nevertheless, anyone will be stunned by Bangkok’s real 163-letter name:


Featured image courtesy of http://www.nation.com.pk

Written by FilipiKnow

in Bizarre and Oddities, People and Places, Today I Learned, World Records

Last Updated


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