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QUIZ: Can You Guess These Famous Manila Landmarks By Their Old Photos?

QUIZ: Can You Guess These Famous Manila Landmarks By Their Old Photos?

There’s an underlying reason why “throwback” photos are all the rage these days. Our old folks are nostalgic, and they want to show us through photos that Manila used to be classy, peaceful, and clean. If only we could turn back the time. 

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Sadly, the time machine only exists in our imagination. And if there’s one thing that these photos could teach us, that would be the importance of preserving our heritage. Because if we don’t, our future grandchildren might blame us for not protecting Manila and all the landmarks that have made it unique.

This quiz is another fun way to learn the history of our beloved city. But for every item you answer, may you realize how beautiful Manila is, and the terrible scenario that might happen the moment we stop caring, respecting and preserving our cultural heritage.

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famous manila landmarks old

Can You Guess These Manila Landmarks By Their Old Photos?

Do you know what some famous Manila landmarks used to look like? Take this quiz and you’ll be surprised!


famous manila landmarks old quiz 1

A. Sta.Ana Church
B. Manila Cathedral
C. Malate Church


famous manila landmarks old quiz 2

A. Manila City Hall
B. Tutuban Station
C. Aduana


famous manila landmarks old quiz 3

A. Divisoria
B. Baluarte de San Diego
C. Luneta


famous manila landmarks old quiz 4

A. Sanctuario de Santo Cristo
B. St. Pancratius Chapel
C. San Sebastian Church


famous manila landmarks old quiz 5

A. Aduana Building
B. Paco Train Station
C. Fort Santiago


famous manila landmarks old quiz 6

A. Anda Circle
B. Quezon Memorial Circle
C. Monumento Circle


famous manila landmarks old quiz 7

A. Philippine Arena
B. Araneta Coliseum
C. Ynares Center


famous manila landmarks old quiz 8

A. Grand Mosque (Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah Masjid)
B. The Golden (Masjid al-Dahab)
C. King Faisal Mosque


famous manila landmarks old quiz 9

A. Coconut Palace
B. Malacañan Palace


famous manila landmarks old quiz 10

A. Paco Park
B. San Agustin Church
C. Manila North Cemetery


famous manila landmarks old quiz 11

A. Sta.Cruz Bridge
B. Puente de España
C. Jones Bridge


famous manila landmarks old quiz 12

. Quiapo Church
B. San Sebastian Church
C. Sta.Ana Church


famous manila landmarks old quiz 13

A. San Agustin Church
B. Binondo Church
C. Quiapo Church


famous manila landmarks old quiz 14

A. National Museum of the Philippines
B. Paco Train Station
C. Manila Post Office


famous manila landmarks old quiz 15

A. University of the Philippines – Manila
B. University of the Philippines – Diliman
C. University of Santo Tomas


famous manila landmarks old quiz 16

A. Fort Santiago
B. Baluarte de San Diego
C. Fort Bonifacio


famous manila landmarks old quiz 17

A. Manila Metropolitan Theater (MET)
B. Capitol Theater
C. Tivoli Movie Theater


famous manila landmarks old quiz 18

A. Senate of the Philippines
B. Manila Post Office
C. National Museum of the Philippines


famous manila landmarks old quiz 19

A. Divisoria
B. Escolta
C. Plaza Miranda


famous manila landmarks old quiz 20

A. University of Santo Tomas
B. University of the Philippines-Manila
C. Ateneo de Manila University

Answer Key:

  1. B
  2. A
  3. C
  4. C
  5. A
  6. C
  7. B
  8. B
  9. B
  10. A
  11. C
  12. A
  13. A
  14. B
  15. B
  16. A
  17. A
  18. C
  19. B
  20. A

Written by FilipiKnow

in Nostalgia, Quizzes


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