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Resume Samples for High School Graduate in the Philippines

For high school graduates entering the workforce, the bio-data is the application tool of choice. It’s convenient to use because all you have to do is fill it out with your personal and work history details.

The problem with submitting a bio-data is that it looks the same for everyone. Go the extra mile and write a resume to stand out.

Here are two examples you can refer to while making your own resume:


High school graduate resume example 1.

resume sample philippines 13
Source: LiveCareer


This resume is short and sweet but has all the details that can convince employers that the candidate is fit for the job. The applicant emphasizes the fact that he is a hard worker, which is supported by the rest of the resume.

For example, the resume mentions that the candidate is willing to work overtime and late nights, as well as comfortable standing for long hours—attributes that fast-food companies are looking for in a service crew.


Area for improvement.

The only thing this resume could improve on is the use of bullet points in the work experience section. Listing in bullet points aids the eye better than a large chunk of text.


High school graduate resume example 2.

resume sample philippines 14
Source: Monster.com

Even without relevant professional experience, the candidate showcases her love of animals and passion for animal welfare through her resume. This way, she clearly establishes that she’s a perfect fit for the veterinary assistant role.

The resume cites the candidate’s personal experience as a pet owner and her volunteer work as an animal rights advocate. The testimonials are a great addition to the resume, backing up the fact that she’s dedicated to her advocacy.

Go back to the main article: How to Write a Resume in the Philippines (with Samples, Formats, and Templates)

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