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Resume Sample for Teachers in the Philippines

A resume for teachers should show not only teaching experience and skills but also personality traits that make the candidate suitable for the job. The sample resume below does just that.

resume sample philippines 31
Source: LiveCareer

This teacher resume focuses more on soft skills than competencies (though both are equally important in principle). It’s a good strategy because many other teachers may be competent but not everyone can confidently claim they’re compassionate, kind, and empathetic—teacher traits that make learning easier for students.

The candidate also lists other soft skills such as conflict resolution, critical thinking, and a sense of humor.

In short, soft skills set a candidate apart from other equally competent candidates vying for the same job.

To balance out the traits listed on the resume, the candidate also shows that he can deliver results by listing a concrete and quantifiable accomplishment and an award relevant to teaching.

Go back to the main article: How to Write a Resume in the Philippines (with Samples, Formats, and Templates)

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