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Resume Sample for OJT Students in the Philippines

The good thing about applying for an internship is that you’re not expected to have work experience. Still, your OJT resume should be a cut above the rest, so you’ll be accepted by the company you hope would hire you as an employee in the future.

Here’s one good example of an internship resume of a college student who seeks an OJT as a graphic designer:

resume sample philippines 11
Source: The Job Network

This is an outstanding and very coherent resume from top to bottom. Everything written on it is very much relevant to the competencies and traits required of graphic designers.

The resume header has links to the candidate’s LinkedIn profile and personal website. Potential employers will find them useful in checking her graphic design abilities.

The OJT resume is also sprinkled with important keywords like “detail-oriented” and “completing projects on spec and on deadline.” The education section mentions extra-curricular activities related to the student’s layout and design experience in her school publications.

Even though her work experience has nothing to do with graphic design, the candidate found a way to relate it to the field. She highlights her ability to create “visually stunning” cake designs and provide “cheerful, courteous” customer service—both of which are important skills for graphic designers.

Go back to the main article: How to Write a Resume in the Philippines (with Samples, Formats, and Templates)

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