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I Have an Unused Japan Visa. Will I Get Approved if I Apply Again?

In a way, the Embassy will be more cautious when reviewing applications of those with previously unused Japan visa.

If you’re in their situation, you would probably do the same because a visa with no entry or exit stamps is a visa that was not “properly” used.

However, as long as you have a valid reason, you can still be granted even a multiple-entry visa in your next application.

In addition to the standard requirements, the travel agency will also require you to provide an explanation letter containing details of your unused Japan visa.

In this letter, you’ll explain why you postponed your trip to Japan. Be honest and consistent when providing your reason/s because the Embassy will use this letter as a basis when deciding whether or not to grant you the Japan visa.

So long as your reason is valid and can be backed up by specific details, you can rest assured that you’ll get approved. This blogger, for instance, got her application approved despite having a previously unused Japan visa by simply explaining in her letter that she went to Seoul to watch the same K-pop concert held in Japan.

Go back to the main article: How to Get Japan Visa in the Philippines: A Complete Guide for First-Time Tourists

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