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How To Know if an Online Job Is a Scam: Tips for Filipinos

Not every money-making opportunity on the Internet is safe and legitimate. These days, scammers are taking advantage of the desperation of many jobless Filipinos trying to find new income sources.

Thus, it’s important to read the job description carefully, ask the potential client a lot of questions, and do your research when searching for ways to earn money online. Doing so helps you catch early warning signs of an online job scam.

Watch out for these common red flags when searching for online jobs. 

  • You’re asked to pay for something to get the job. Examples are fees for membership, subscription, training materials, certification, and software purchases. The client should be paying you for your service, not the other way around. 
  • The client has no website and social media accounts. If there’s hardly any information on a certain company or person on the Internet, don’t take chances. Just keep looking for other online income opportunities.
  • The offer sounds too good to be true. If the client is willing to pay big money for a very simple task that doesn’t require any skill, it’s likely a scam.
  • The job involves illegal activities. For example, you’re asked to open a bank account or use your PayPal account to receive money from the client and then transfer it to a third party. Money laundering is a serious criminal offense in the Philippines. Don’t allow yourself to be involved in any unlawful activity.
  • You’ll be paid to recruit people without selling any product or service. Except if you’re applying for an HR/recruiter job, it’s an obvious sign of a pyramid scheme. Stop dealing with a company that asks you to do that.
  • The job involves unethical activities like clicking ads, typing CAPTCHA, or removing watermarks. While these gigs are easy ways to earn money online and not illegal by themselves (Some companies actually pay their workers), outputs from these jobs may be used in carrying out a cybercrime.
  • You’re required to send a photo of your passport, driver’s license, or credit/debit card. The sensitive information on your IDs and cards may be used to access money in your bank accounts. 
  • You’re asked to send your photos wearing something provocative for a job that involves chatting strangers online.
  • The client gives unclear answers on how you’ll be paid or keeps avoiding your payment-related questions. 
  • Offering a job immediately without verifying your work experience.

When in doubt, ask fellow freelancers in online communities if a company or online job is legit. Better yet, stop dealing with shady clients as soon as you notice the red flags.

Go back to the main article: 25 Legit Online Home Based Jobs in the Philippines (Up to Php160K+)

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