50+ TESDA Free Online Courses You Can Complete Anytime

There has been a steady demand for technical skills in the local and international job markets. For this reason, TESDA continues to provide quality technical skills education recognized here and abroad.
And here comes the best part: You can now access this quality technical skills education through the TESDA Online Program (TOP).
Whether you want to boost your employability or are just interested in learning a new skill, this article will help you take advantage of TESDA’s free online courses.
Related: 50+ Scholarship Programs in the Philippines: The Ultimate List
Table of Contents
What Is TESDA?
TESDA (Technical Education Skills Development Authority) is the government agency that supervises Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) in the Philippines. It also regulates all Technical Vocational Institutions (TVIs) in the country by reviewing their curriculum, faculty, equipment, and material qualifications.
Some of the programs that TESDA offers are the following:
- Training for Workshop Scholarship
- Private Education and Student Financial Assistance (PESFA)
- TESDA Online Program (TOP)
What Is TESDA Online Program (TOP)?
TESDA Online Program (TOP) enables every Filipino to access technical skills education through computers, smartphones, or any digital device. TOP offers a variety of courses via its website, which you can access anytime and anywhere.
For the Philippine government, TESDA’s free online courses are pivotal in rehabilitating the economy. The courses help in the upskilling of Filipino employees, including returning OFWs. Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, it is estimated that over 1.5 million1 have registered to study one or more of TESDA’s online courses. Overall, 3 million (and counting) users have used and reaped benefits from the free courses since 2012.
Why Should I Enroll in a TESDA Online Course?
Aside from learning valuable technical skills, you should also consider enrolling in a TESDA Online Course for the following reasons:
1. The courses are free and accessible
Yes, you’ve read it right. Enrolling in a course does not entail any fee. What you need is just a stable internet connection and a device where you can read and watch the learning materials.
2. The courses provide a Certificate of Completion
After completing a course, you will get a Certificate of Completion that you can print or save on your device. To get a National Certificate from TESDA for overseas employment, you must take the face-to-face assessment at any TESDA-accredited assessment center after you finish the online course.
3. You may study at your own pace in the comfort of your own home
There’s no deadline for accomplishing a certain course, so you can study each lesson whenever you’re ready.
TESDA Free Online Courses: Updated List
As of this writing, The TESDA Online Program (TOP) offers over 100 online courses2 from diverse industries including Electronics, Health Care, Agriculture, and Tourism. In this guide, we’ll give you an overview of what you can expect to learn from some of the best courses offered in the program for free.
A. Agriculture-Related Courses

1. Agro-Entrepreneurship NC II
- Introduction to Agro-Entrepreneurship
- Assessing Market Opportunities
- Establishing the Farm Production Plan
- Handling Finances
- Marketing Farm Produce
2. Aquaponic Food Production
- Introduction to Aquaponic Food Production
- Setting Up Aquaponic Systems
- Maintaining Aquaponics Systems
3. Organic Agriculture Production NC II
- Introduction to Organic Agriculture
- Formulating Organic Concoctions and Extracts
- Producing Organic Fertilizers
- Producing Organic Vegetables
- Raising Organic Chickens
4. Agricultural Crops Production NC II
- Introduction to Agricultural Crops Production
- Performing Nursery Operations
- Planting Crops
- Caring and Maintaining Crops
- Performing Harvest and Postharvest Operations
5. Fruit Growing
a. Fruit Grower
B. Automotive and Construction-Related Courses

1. Automotive Servicing (Engine Repair) NC II
- Introduction to Automotive Servicing
- Performing Periodic Maintenance of the Automotive Engine
- Diagnosing and Repairing Engine Cooling and Lubricating System
- Diagnosing and Repairing Intake and Exhaust Systems
- Diagnosing and Overhauling Engine Mechanical Systems
2. Automotive Short Courses
a. Diesel Engine Tune-Up
b. Automotive Battery Servicing
3. Plumbing NC II
- Introduction to Plumbing
- Preparing Estimation of Materials for Multiple Plumbing Units
- Preparing Multiple Plumbing Units Installation and Assembly
- Performing Leak Testing
- Performing Plumbing Repair and Maintenance Work
4. Photovoltaic Systems Installation NC II
- Introduction to Photovoltaic Systems Installation
- Performing Site Assessment
- Checking PV Components and Materials Compliance
- Installing Photovoltaic Systems
- Performing PV System Testing and Commissioning
C. Electrical and Electronics-Related Courses

1. Computer System Servicing NC II
- Introduction to CSS
- Installing and Configuring Computer Systems
- Setting Up Computer Networks
- Setting Up Computer Servers
- Maintaining Computer Systems and Networks
2. Electrical Installation and Maintenance (EIM) NC II
- Introduction to Electrical Installation and Maintenance
- Performing Roughing-In Activities, Wiring, and Cabling Works for Single-Phase Distribution, Power, Lighting, and Auxiliary Systems
- Installing Electrical Protective Devices for Distribution, Power, Lightning Protection, and Grounding Systems
- Installing Wiring Devices for Floor and Wall Mounted Outlets, Lighting Fixtures, Switches, and Auxiliary Outlets
3. Renewable/Alternative Energy
a. Solar Night Light Assembly
D. Entrepreneurship

1. iSTAR Program
An improved version of the Sari-Sari Store Training and Access Resources (STAR) program launched in 2020, iSTAR is an online livelihood training program3 designed to teach micro-entrepreneurs free entrepreneurship lessons to help them launch, operate, and profit from their small enterprise.
2. OFW Rise
The OFW Rise Program is a free online livelihood training program designed to help returning OFWs build a profitable business in the Philippines.
3. Start and Improve Your Business
Developed by the International Labour Organization (ILO), this management training program was created to teach people in developing nations like the Philippines how to launch a successful business. It comes with four interrelated packages, namely: Generate Your Business Idea (GYB), Start Your Business (SYB), Improve Your Business (IYB), and Expand Your Business (EYB).
E. Health Care-Related Courses

1. Barangay Health Services NC II
- Introduction to Barangay Health Services
- Assisting Households to Identify Health Problems and Promote Health and Well-being
- Sharing Knowledge and Skills Among Members to Promote Information, Education, and Communication and Household Teaching in Disease Prevention and Control
- Monitoring the Health Status of Household Members Under Your Area of Service Coverage
- Safekeeping of Equipment, Medical Supplies, and Materials in Health Station
- Maintaining an Updated List/Record of Health Activities
2. Massage Therapy NC II
- Foundations of Massage Practice
- Fundamentals of Massage Therapy
- Performing Shiatsu
- Performing Swedish Massage
3. Caregiving (Elderly) NC II
- Introduction to Caregiving
- Developing the Ability to Recognize the Aging Process
- Participating in the Implementation and Monitoring of the Client’s Care Plan
- Performing Caring Skills
- Performing Specialty Care Procedures
- Assisting the Client in Administering Prescribed Medication
4. Contact Tracing Level II
- Introduction to Contact Tracing
- Conducting Case Investigation and Contact Identification
- Profiling Close Contacts
- Conducting Health Education Program
- Performing Data Recording and Reporting
- Conducting Monitoring and Surveillance
5. Barangay Infectious Disease Management Services Level II
- Introduction to Barangay Infectious Disease Management
- Disseminating Preventive Measures in Infectious Disease Transmission and the Importance of Immunization
- Assisting in the Management of Infectious Diseases in Different Settings
6. Practicing COVID-19 Preventive Measures in the Workplace
7. Free Courses Relevant to COVID-19 Management
In line with the pandemic that has reshaped the healthcare industry in recent years, TESDA introduced free online courses4 that aim to strengthen people’s knowledge of COVID-19 management.
The free online courses include:
- Contact-tracing FREE Coursera course
- COVID-19: How to put on and remove personal protective equipment (PPE)
- Learning Online during COVID-19
- Managing TVET during COVID-19
- Standard precautions: Hand hygiene
- Teaching Online During COVID-19
- The Health Effects of Climate Change
F. Food Processing-Related Courses

1. Food Processing NC II
- Introduction to Food Processing
- Processing Food by Drying and Dehydration
- Processing Food by Fermentation and Pickling
- Processing Food by Salting, Curing, and Smoking
- Processing Food by Sugar Concentration
- Processing Food by Thermal Application
G. Tourism and Maritime-Related Courses

1. Bread and Pastry Production NC II
a. Preparing Cakes
Whether aiming for an overseas job or planning to make your cakes, this course is for you. It will teach you how to produce, fill, and decorate sponge cakes. This program enables you to acquire a baking skill required for Bread and Pastry Production NC II.
2. Cookery NC II
- Fundamentals of Professional Cookery
- Preparing Stocks, Sauces, and Soup
- Preparing Egg, Vegetable, and Farinaceous Dishes
- Preparing Seafood Dishes
- Preparing Poultry and Game Dishes
- Preparing Meat Dishes
- Preparing Sandwiches
- Preparing Salad and Salad Dressings
- Preparing Appetizers and Hors d’oeuvres
- Preparing Desserts
3. Food and Beverage Services NC II
- Introduction to Food and Beverage Services
- Providing Room Service
- Providing Table Service
4. Front Office Services NC II
- Introduction to Front Office Services
- Providing Front Office Services
5. Housekeeping NC II
- Providing Housekeeping Services
- Dealing with Intoxicated Guests
- Providing Guest Room Services
- Providing Laundry Services to Guests
- Providing Public Area Services
- Providing Valet Services
6. Ships’ Catering
a. Ships’ Catering NC III (Updates)
H. Information and Communication Technology-Related Courses

1. SMART ICT Courses
a. SMART Android Mobile Apps Development for Beginners
Do you want to develop your mobile app? TESDA now offers an online basic mobile application development course in collaboration with SMART. After taking this course, you can develop a simple Android application from scratch. Best of all, lessons are in video format to make it easier to understand the concepts.
b. SMART Technopreneurship 101
Planning to start a tech-based business? Enroll in this course and learn what it takes to be a successful technopreneur. This course will teach you how to create a business plan, pitch, and Minimum Viable Technology Product Presentation. After taking this course, you can merge your entrepreneurial skills and technological ideas to make a successful business venture.
I. Heating, Ventilation, and Air Condition-Related Courses

1. Refrigeration and Aircondition Servicing (DOMRAC)
a. Packaged Air Conditioner Unit Servicing
Are you interested in installing air conditioner units in households or offices? If yes, then this course is best for you! This course teaches you how to install a Package Air Conditioner Unit (PACU). It will also teach you how to perform a leak test, charge refrigerants, and maintain and troubleshoot a PACU.
J. Trainer’s Methodology Courses

1. Trainer’s Methodology I
- Supervising Work-Based Learning
- Utilizing Electronic Media in Facilitating Training
- Maintaining Training Facilities
- Planning Training Session
- Conducting Competency Assessment
2. Trainer’s Methodology II
a. Developing Training Curriculum
This course is recommended for technical skill trainers who want to develop their training curriculum. After completing this course, participants can design a training curriculum based on TESDA competency standards, specify the trainer’s qualifications for a course, and submit finalized curriculum documents to authorized personnel.
K. 21st Century Skills
1. Communication
- Participating in Workplace Communication
- Receiving and Responding to Workplace Communication
2. Environmental Literacy
- Exercising Sustainable Development in the Workplace
- Orienting Oneself to Environmentally Sustainable Work Standards
- Performing Solid Waste Management in the Workplace
3. Digital Literacy
- Wi-Fi 101 and Digital Thumbprint Program
- Microsoft Digital Literacy
4. Language Literacy
- English for Business and Entrepreneurship
- Using Educational Technology in the English Language Classroom
- English as a Medium of Instruction
- English for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (eSTEM)
- English for Tourism Professionals
L. Social, Community Development and Others
1. Beauty Care
a. Beauty Care Services (Nail Care) NC II
2. Domestic Work NC II
- Introduction to Domestic Service
- Cleaning Rooms and Kitchen
- Washing and Ironing Clothes and Linens
- Preparing Hot and Cold Meals
- Preparing Food and Beverage Services
3. Gender and Development (GAD)
- Working in a Gender-Diverse Environment
- Conducting Gender Analysis, Mainstreaming, and Planning, and Budgeting
M. Lifelong Learning Skills
1. Skills to Succeed Academy
2. Financial Literacy
a. Managing Your Personal Finances
N. International Labor Organization (ILO) Online Courses
1. Job Readiness Course
This course, divided into three modules, will help you prepare for whatever career you want to pursue. Learn how to set long-term career goals, typical and non-typical job search strategies, and vital soft skills for the workplace.
In addition, you’ll also discover how to write a captivating resume, cover letter, and portfolio to boost your employability. Furthermore, you’ll learn how to do well in a face-to-face or virtual job interview.
- Module 1: Crafting Your Career
- Module 2: Your Guide to Job Readiness
- Module 3: Building Human Skills for Career Success
2. STEM in TVET Workshop
a. Learner-Centred STEM in TVET
O. TESDA Capability Building Programs for TESDA Employees
1. National Institute for Technical Education and Skills Development
- Blended Learning Using Learning Management System
- eLearning Appreciation Course for RDs, PDs, and TTI Administrators
- Developing eLearning Materials (Phase 1: Online Training)
2. Capability-Building Training Program (CBP) for the Implementation of the Area-Based and Demand-Driven TVET
- Area-based and Demand-Driven TVET
- Industry Scanning and Organizing and Engaging the Industry Boards
- RLTDP Module II
- Developing Institutional Assessment Tools
- Developing Competency Standards
- Facilitating Competency-Based Curriculum Development
- Skills Mapping
- Functional Analysis
3. Regional/Institutional LMS Administration Training Program
a. Moodle Training for TESDA Regional/Institutional Administrators
How To Create a TESDA Online Program (TOP) Account: 6 Steps
To access the free courses, you must create your TESDA Online Program (TOP) account first.
1. Access the TESDA Online Program website.
2. Click Log-In on the upper right-hand side of the website

3. Create an account

Click the New Account button at the bottom of the page to create your new TOP account.
4. Fill out the online form

Type your desired username and password, which you will use every time you log in to the TOP site.
Complete the online form and the captcha. Finally, click the Create my new account button at the bottom of the page.

5. Check your email for the confirmation message

Click the link provided in the confirmation message to proceed. If you can’t see the message in your email, try checking your SPAM folder.
6. Click “Continue” on the registration confirmation screen

Upon clicking, you will be redirected to the dashboard of your TOP account
How To Enroll in a TESDA Online Course: 4 Steps
1. Log in to your TESDA Online Program account
2. Click on the “Courses” tab on the TESDA Online Program Dashboard

3. Select the online course you want to enroll in

Suppose you want to enroll in a course related to Agriculture; click the Agriculture course category.
Then, select a course under your chosen category. Suppose you want to enroll in the Fruit Grower course. Just click the course so you can proceed to enrolment.

4. Enroll in your selected TESDA online course

Enroll yourself in your selected course by clicking the Enroll Me button.
Afterward, you may now start accessing the materials of your selected course.

TESDA Online Program (TOP) Mobile App

TESDA online courses are now accessible on smartphones through the new TESDA Online Program mobile app5. Like its web version, the mobile app also allows students to get an electronic certification of online course completion.
You may download this app via the Google Play Store or Apple App Store. Type “TESDA Online Program” in the search bar and install it.
What’s great with this app is that it’s small (14 MB), and the courses can be accessed even if you don’t have an internet connection. However, the internet is required to continue your course progress and earn a completion certificate.
Like on the website, all these courses feature audio-visual and text materials, which you can study at your own pace with accompanying assessments to gauge your understanding. Some materials are also integrated with the Filipino Sign Language features and audio narration.
Tips and Warnings
- You can enroll in multiple courses. Unless you want to specialize in a particular skill, you may enroll in various courses to acquire more skills for free.
- Take the National Certification Assessment. Once you have your Certificate of Completion from a TOP course, proceed to any TESDA-accredited venue to acquire a National Certification (NC). NC II and III make you eligible to work abroad.
- A TESDA online course consists only of reading materials and videos. Unfortunately, a TESDA online course will not provide you with hands-on experience with the skills you’ve learned. However, there are activities and assessments in each course that challenge you to apply the lessons. These activities will prepare you for your path toward the National Certificate.
Frequently Asked Questions
1. Who is qualified to enroll in the free TESDA online course?
Any Filipino (a student, a local worker, OFW, out-of-school youth, or a professional) is qualified to enroll in TESDA’s free online course.
2. What are the documentary requirements I need to enroll in TESDA’s free online course?
There’s no documentary requirement needed to enroll in a TOP online course. What you need is just a stable internet connection, a valid email address, and a device for you to access the free online courses.
3. Does TESDA offer free foreign language online courses?
As of this writing, no foreign language online courses are offered by TESDA.
4. Are free TESDA online courses administered via an online platform like Google Meet or Zoom?
No. Courses are only presented as modules and recorded video presentations.
5. What should I do if I encounter a problem while taking a free TESDA online course?
For technical issues and concerns, you may send an email to [email protected]
6. How long would it take to finish a TESDA’s free online course?
Since you can study the modules at your own pace, it depends on the time you spend on a course. Note also that accomplishing an online course has no deadline.
- Arayata, M. (2021). 1.5M enrolled in TESDA online courses. Retrieved 29 July 2021, from https://www.pna.gov.ph/articles/1148364
- Aquino, L. (2021). TESDA chief urges public to avail of agency’s online courses. Retrieved 30 July 2021, from https://mb.com.ph/2021/07/29/tesda-chief-urges-public-to-avail-of-the-agencys-online-courses/
- Arayata, Ma.C. (2023) TESDA, partners urge public to avail of iSTAR program, Philippine News Agency (PNA). Available at: https://www.pna.gov.ph/articles/1206700 (Accessed: 18 September 2023).
- Nazario, D. (2022). TESDA offering 10 free online courses on COVID-19 management. Retrieved 17 January 2022, from https://mb.com.ph/2022/01/13/tesda-offering-10-free-online-courses-on-covid-19-management/
- Arayata, M. (2022). TESDA online courses now available via mobile app. Retrieved 22 July 2022, from https://www.pna.gov.ph/articles/1177958
Jewel Kyle Fabula
Jewel Kyle Fabula graduated Cum Laude with a degree of Bachelor of Science in Economics from the University of the Philippines Diliman. He is also a nominee for the 2023 Gerardo Sicat Award for Best Undergraduate Thesis in Economics. He is currently a freelance content writer with writing experience related to technology, artificial intelligence, ergonomic products, and education. Kyle loves cats, mathematics, playing video games, and listening to music.
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