Philippine Government Job Vacancies 2023: List of Government Agencies Hiring

Looking to start a career as a civil servant? There are many advantages to working in the Philippine government, such as job security and pension benefits. Best of all, it is an opportunity to make a difference in the lives of Filipinos.
According to the Philippine Civil Service Commission3, there are a total of 1,762,301 government employees as of August 31, 2020. This makes the government the largest employer in the country. Aspiring civil servants can be employed in various agencies and government units across all the regions of the Philippines.
Not sure which agency you want to apply to? Check out our list of Philippine government agencies below and the links to their respective “Careers” pages containing an updated list of job vacancies.
Preparing for the civil service exam? Check out our Ultimate Civil Service Reviewer
Table of Contents
List of Philippine Government Agencies And Their Latest Job Vacancies
To streamline your job search, we’ve listed down all government agencies hiring in the Philippines, including links to their official websites or specific web pages featuring their latest job vacancies. Click the provided link, look for available job openings, and read the instructions carefully to learn how to submit your application.
1. Department of Agriculture (DA)

- Agency Overview: The Department of Agriculture4 is responsible for building the foundation, investing, and supporting agricultural development in the Philippines. With the agricultural sector employing about one-third of the country’s people, the DA envisions prosperous farmers and fishers that lead to a food-secure Philippines.
- Website:
- Career Page:
- Attached Organizations: Agricultural Training Institute (ATI), Bureau of Agricultural Research (BAR), Bureau of Agricultural & Fisheries Engineering (BAFE), Bureau of Agriculture & Fisheries Standard (BAFS), Bureau of Animal Industry (BAI), Bureau of Fisheries & Aquatic Resources (BFAR), Bureau of Plant Industry (BuPlant), Bureau of Soils & Water Management (BSWM), Agricultural Credit Policy Council (ACPC), Fertilizer & Pesticide Authority (FPA), National Fisheries Research & Development Institute (NFRDI), National Meat Inspection Service (NMIS), Philippine Carabao Center (PCC), Philippine Center for Postharvest Development & Mechanization (PhilMech), Philippine Council for Agriculture & Fisheries (PCAF), Philippine Fiber Industry Development Authority (PhilFIDA), Philippine Rubber Research Institute (PRRI), National Dairy Authority (NDA), National Food Authority (NFA), National Tobacco Administration (NTA), Philippine Coconut Authority (PCA), Philippine Crop Insurance Corporation (PCIC), Philippine Fisheries Development Authority (PFDA), Philippine Rice Research Institute (PhilRice), and Sugar Regulatory Administration (SRA)
2. Department of Agrarian Reform (DAR)

- Agency Overview: The Department of Agrarian Reform’s goal is to implement genuine agrarian reform by upholding the rights of tillers to secure and cultivate their agricultural lands5. They provide support through agrarian legal assistance and equitable land distribution. Their logo’s colors are green and white to symbolize economic growth and sound rural development.
- Website:
- Career Page:
- Attached Organizations: Bureau of Agrarian Legal Assistance (BALA), Bureau of Agrarian Reform Beneficiaries Development (BARBD), and Bureau of Land Tenure Improvement (BLTI).
3. Department of Budget & Management (DBM)

- Agency Overview: Created in 1936, the Department of Budget and Management6 ensures the efficient use of government resources to achieve the goals of the entire government. They prepare the expenditure plan, make the rules for the management of resources, and implement the national accounting system.
- Website:
- Career Page:
- Attached Organizations: Budget & Management Bureau A to F (BMB A-F), Budget Technical Bureau (BTB), Fiscal Planning & Reform Bureau (FPRB), and Local Government & Regional Coordination Bureau (LGRCB).
4. Department of Education (DepEd)

- Agency Overview: The Department of Education7 protects the right of Filipinos to quality, complete, and equitable education. Established in 1863, they are in charge of creating and implementing elementary and secondary education policies.
- Website:
- Career Page:
- Attached Organizations: Early Childhood Care & Development Council (ECCD), National Book Development Board (NBDB), National Council for Children’s Television (NCCT), National Museum of the Philippines, (NMP) and Philippine High School for the Arts (PHSA)
5. Department of Energy (DOE)

- Agency Overview: The mission of the Department of Energy8 is to improve the quality of life of Filipinos by ensuring access to reasonably priced energy. Their functions include creating programs for exploring clean and sustainable energy and distributing energy to every region.
- Website:
- Career Page:
- Attached Organizations: Energy Resource Development Bureau, Renewable Energy Management Bureau, Energy Utilization Management Bureau, Oil Industry Management Bureau, Energy Policy & Planning Bureau, and Electric Power Industry Management Bureau.
6. Department of Environment & Natural Resources (DENR)

- Agency Overview: As the agency responsible for managing the country’s natural resources, the Department of Environment and Natural Resources’ vision is a clean and healthy environment for Filipinos. They work to ensure the sustainability of the Philippine environment, increase the productivity of natural resources, and protect areas of natural and cultural heritage9.
- Website:
- Career Page:
- Attached Organizations: Environmental Management Bureau (EMB), Mines & Geosciences Bureau (MGB), Forest Management Bureau (FMB), Land Management Bureau (LMB), Biodiversity Management Bureau (BMB), Ecosystems Research & Development Bureau (ERDB), National Mapping & Resource Information Authority (NAMRIA), Palawan Council for Sustainable Development (PCSD), Laguna Lake Development Authority (LLDA), National Resources Development Corporation (NRDC), National Water Resources Board (NWRB), and Philippine Mining Development Corporation (PMDC)
7. Department of Finance (DOF)

- Agency Overview: A government does not run well without adequate funding, and it is the Department of Finance’s job to secure finances10. They are tasked with making policies that generate revenue, managing the country’s debt, and developing the local financial market. There are careers here for professionals skilled in accounting, auditing, information technology, and economic research.
- Website:
- Career Page:
- Attached Organizations: Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR), Bureau of Customs (BOC), Bureau of Treasury (BTR), Bureau of Local Government Finance (BLGF), Insurance Commission (IC), National Tax Research Center (NTRC), Central Board of Assessment Appeal (CBAA), Philippine Deposit Insurance Corporation (PDIC), Philippine Guarantee Corporation (PGC), Privatization & Management Office (PMO), and Securities & Exchange Commission (SEC)
8. Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA)

- Agency Overview: The Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) is responsible for promoting and protecting the country’s interests in the global setting11. They implement the three pillars of Philippine foreign policy, which are (1) the preservation and enhancement of national security; (2) the promotion and attainment of economic security; and (3) the protection of rights and the promotion of welfare and interest of Filipinos overseas.
- Website:
- Career Page:
- Attached Organizations: Foreign Service Institute (FSI), Technical Cooperation Council of the Philippines (TCCP), and Philippine National Commission for UNESCO (UNACOM)
9. Department of Health (DOH)

- Agency Overview: As the authority on everything health, the Department of Health12 ensures all Filipinos can access essential health services. They are also responsible for regulating goods and services related to healthcare and providing special tertiary healthcare services and assistance to health providers.
- Website:
- Career Page:
- Attached Organizations: Commission on Population & Development (POPCOM), National Nutrition Council (NNC), Philippine Health Insurance Corporation (PhilHealth), Philippine Institute for Traditional & Alternative Health Care (PITAHC), and Philippine National Aids Council (PNAC)
10. Department of Human Settlements & Urban Development (DHSUD)

- Agency Overview: Formally established in 2019, the Department of Human Settlements & Urban Development13 is the central housing authority in the country. They aim to provide Filipino families access to affordable, sustainable housing in well-planned communities.
- Website:
- Career Page:
- Attached Organizations: Housing & Real Estate Development Regulation Bureau; Environmental, Land Use & Urban Planning Development Bureau; Home Development Mutual Fund (HDMF) or Pag-IBIG Fund; and Homeowners Association & Community Development Bureau.
11. Department of the Interior & Local Government (DILG)

- Agency Overview: The Department of Interior and Local Government14 establishes the policies related to public safety, local emergencies, and police functions. They also supervise and support local government units in performing administrative, fiscal, and security duties. One of their goals is to create peaceful, safe, and development-dominated communities.
- Website:
- Career Page:
- Attached Organizations: Bureau of Local Government Development (BLGD), Bureau of Local Government Supervision (BLGS), National Barangay Operations Office (NBOO), National Police Commission (NAPOLCOM), Philippine National Police (PNP), Bureau of Fire Protection (BFP), and Bureau of Jail Management & Penology (BJMP)
12. Department of Information & Communications Technology (DICT)

- Agency Overview: The Department of Information & Communications Technology15 was established in 2016 as the agency responsible for planning and implementing the Philippine government’s information and communication technology (ICT) agenda. Their functions include improving public access to ICT services, formulating the country’s cybersecurity plan, and ensuring the stable growth of the Philippine ICT industry. Through the development of ICT, the DICT envisions a safe, content, and progressive Filipino nation.
- Website:
- Career Page:
- Attached Organizations: National Telecommunications Commission (NTC), National Privacy Commission (NPC), and Cybercrime Investigation & Coordinating Center (CICC)
13. Department of Justice (DOJ)

- Agency Overview: The Department of Justice’s mission is the equitable, effective, and efficient administration of justice16. Under the DOJ are various agencies, such as the Bureau of Corrections, the Bureau of Immigration, and the National Bureau of Investigation. Together they manage the criminal justice system and regulate immigration.
- Website:
- Career Page:
- Attached Organizations: Bureau of Corrections (BuCor), Bureau of Immigration (BI), National Bureau of Investigation (NBI), Parole & Probation Administration (PPA), Presidential Commission on Good Government (PCGG), Public Attorney’s Office (PAO), Office for Alternative Dispute Resolution (OADR), Office of the Government Corporate Counsel (OGCC), Office of the Solicitor General (OSG) and Land Registration Authority (LRA)
14. Department of Labor & Employment (DOLE)

- Agency Overview: The mission of the Department of Labor & Employment17 is for every Filipino worker to attain decent and productive employment. They are responsible for the promotion of gainful employment opportunities and the advancement of the welfare of Filipino workers. Working at DOLE may take you to its various regional or overseas offices.
- Website:
- Career Page:
- Attached Organizations: Bureau of Local Employment (BLE), Bureau of Labor Relations (BLR), Bureau of Working Conditions (BWC), Bureau of Workers with Special Concerns (BWSC), International Labor Affairs Bureau (ILAB), National Reintegration Center for OFWs (NRCO), Employees’ Compensation Commission (ECC), Institute for Labor Studies (ILS), National Conciliation & Mediation Board (NCMB), National Labor Relations Commission (NLRC), National Maritime Polytechnic (NMP), National Wages & Productivity Commission (NWPC), Occupational Safety & Health Center (OSHC), Overseas Workers Welfare Association (OWWA), Philippine Overseas Employment Administration (POEA), Professional Regulation Commission (PRC), and Technical Education & Skills Development Authority (TESDA)
15. Department of National Defense (DND)

- Agency Overview: As the agency in charge of protecting the Philippines from internal and external threats, the Department of National Defense18 is crucial for having a stable environment for the country’s growth. Officially created in 1939 by President Manuel Luis Quezon, it has a long history of guaranteeing Philippine security and sovereignty.
- Website:
- Career Page:
- Attached Organizations: Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP), Philippine Veterans Affairs Office (PVAO), Veterans Memorial Medical Center (VMMC), Office of Civil Defense (OCD), National Disaster Risk Reduction & Management Council (NDRRMC), National Center for Disaster Preparedness (NCDP), and Government Arsenal (GA)
16. Department of Public Works & Highways (DPWH)

- Agency Overview: As the engineering and construction arm of the government, the mission of the Department of Public Works & Highways19 is to create quality infrastructure for the needs of Filipinos. Working at the DPWH means contributing to the planning, constructing, and maintaining infrastructures such as highways, flood control, and other public works.
- Website:
- Career Page:
- Attached Organizations: Bureau of Construction (BOC), Bureau of Design (BOD), Bureau of Equipment (BOE), Bureau of Maintenance (BOM), Bureau of Quality & Safety (BQS), and Bureau of Research & Standards (BRS).
17. Department of Science & Technology (DOST)

- Agency Overview: As the leader for the country’s scientific and technological programs, one of the Department of Science and Technology’s goals is the improved productivity and quality of life of Filipinos20. Work for the DOST if you want to contribute to the country’s scientific and technological self-reliance, leading to economic and social benefits for Filipinos. Related: How to Apply for DOST Scholarship.
- Website:
- Career Page:
- Attached Organizations: Philippine Council for Agriculture, Aquatic & Natural Resources Research and Development (PCAARRD), Philippine Council for Health Research & Development (PCHRD), Philippine Council for Industry, Energy & Emerging Technology Research and Development (PCIEERD), National Academy of Science & Technology (NAST), National Research Council of the Philippines (NRCP), Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical & Astronomical Services Administration (PAGASA), Philippine Institute of Volcanology & Seismology (PHIVOLCS), Philippine Science High School System (PSHS), Science Education Institute (SEI), Science & Technology Information Institute (STII), Technology Application & Promotion Institute (TAPI), Advanced Science & Technology Institute (ASTI), Food & Nutrition Research Institute (FNRI), Forest Products Research & Development Institute (FPRDI), Industrial Technology Development Institute (ITDI), Metals Industry Research & Development Center (MIRDC), Philippine Nuclear Research Institute (PNRI), and Philippine Textile Research Institute (PTRI)
18. Department of Social Welfare & Development (DSWD)

- Agency Overview: The mission of the Department of Social Welfare and Development21 is to plan and implement social welfare and development policies for Filipinos who are poor, vulnerable, and disadvantaged. Work with the DSWD if you want to contribute to a future where Filipinos are free from hunger and poverty and have equal access to opportunities.
- Website:
- Career Page:
- Attached Organizations: Council for the Welfare of Children (CWC), Inter-Country Adoption Board (ICAB), Juvenile Justice & Welfare Council (JJWC), and National Council on Disability Affairs (NCDA)
19. Department of Tourism (DOT)

- Agency Overview: The Department of Tourism22 is in charge of developing and regulating the tourism industry in the Philippines. Its mission is to implement programs to develop tourism to generate foreign currency and create local employment. Through marketing, information campaigns, and special events, they promote the Philippines as a travel destination for local and international tourists. Related: 50 Amazing Tourist Spots to Visit in the Philippines.
- Website:
- Career Page:
- Attached Organizations: Philippine Retirement Authority (PRA), Philippine Commission on Sports Scuba Diving (PCSSD), Duty-Free Philippines (DFP), Intramuros Administration (IA), National Parks Development Committee (NPDC), Tourism Promotions Board (TPB), and Tourism Infrastructure & Enterprise Zone Authority (TIEZA)
20. Department of Trade & Industry (DTI)

- Agency Overview: The Department of Trade and Industry’s mandate is to realize the Philippines’ goal of a globally competitive industry and services sector23. They do this by increasing local and foreign direct investments, enhancing the productivity and resilience of industries and services, and ensuring consumer access to quality goods and services. Related: DTI Business Name Registration.
- Website:
- Career Page:
- Attached Organizations: Philippine Board of Investments (BOI), Center for International Trade Expositions & Missions (CITEM), Construction Industry Authority of the Philippines (CIAP), Cooperative Development Authority (CDA), Design Center of the Philippines (DCP), Intellectual Property Office of the Philippines (IPOPHIL), National Development Company (NDC), Philippine Economic Zone Authority (PEZA), Philippine International Trading Corporation (PITC), Philippine Pharma Procurement Incorporated (PPPI), Philippine Trade Training Center (PTTC), and Small Business Corporation (SB Corp)
21. Department of Transportation (DOTr)

- Agency Overview: The mission of the Department of Transportation24 is to provide Filipinos with efficient, secure, and efficient transportation systems. They plan and implement programs for the aviation, maritime, railways, road, and infrastructure sectors. It is one of the first agencies established under the Malolos Constitution on January 21, 1899.
- Website:
- Career Page:
- Attached Organizations: Land Transportation Office (LTO), Land Transportation Franchising and Regulatory Board (LTFRB), Philippine Coast Guard (PCG), Office for Transportation Security (OTS), Civil Aviation Authority of the Philippines (CAAP), Manila International Airport Authority (MIAA), Clark International Airport Corporation (CRK), Civil Aeronautics Board (CAB), Mactan-Cebu International Airport Authority (MCIAA), Toll Regulatory Board (TRB), Office of Transportation Cooperatives (OTC), Philippine National Railways Authority (PNR), Light Rail Transit Authority (LRTA), Philippine Ports Authority (PPA), Maritime Industry Authority (MARINA), Cebu Ports Authority (CPA), and Philippine Merchant Marine Academy (PMMA)
Other Government Offices
Aside from the executive departments, many other government offices have jobs available through their career pages. To give you an idea, here are some examples:
1. Civil Service Commission (CSC)
- Overview: The Civil Service Commission’s task is to promote efficiency, integrity, and advancement in the civil service25. Their functions include setting the standards for civil service, conducting the civil service exams, and maintaining the records of all civil servants. Their career page is beneficial as it is a combined list of job vacancies from various government agencies.
- Website:
- Career Page:
2. Office of the President
- Overview: This is the highest office in the country—civil servants working in the Office of the President26 are tasked to respond to the president’s specific needs to achieve the office’s purposes. They assist the president in managing the affairs related to governing the country and provide research and advisory services.
- Website:
- Career Page:
- Attached Organizations: Career Executive Service Board (CESB), Climate Change Commission (CCC), Komisyon ng Wikang Filipino (KWF), Commission on Filipinos Overseas (CFO), Commission on Higher Education (CHED), Dangerous Drugs Board (DDB), Energy Regulatory Commission (ERC), Film Development Council of the Philippines (FDCP), Games & Amusements Board (GAB), Governance Commission for GOCCs (GCG), Housing & Land Use Regulatory Board (HLURB), Housing & Urban Development Coordinating Council (HUDCC), Metropolitan Manila Development Authority (MMDA), Mindanao Development Authority (MINDA), Movie and Television Review and Classification Board (MTRCB), National Commission for Culture & the Arts (NCCA), National Commission on Muslim Filipinos (NCMF), National Historical Commission of the Philippines (NHCP), National Anti-Poverty Commission (NAPC), National Commission on Indigenous Peoples (NCIP), and Presidential Commission for the Urban Poor (PCUP)
3. Office of the Vice President
- Overview: The second highest office in the country, the Office of the Vice President27 supports the vice president in performing his/her executive, ceremonial, and advocacy functions. The office develops programs for the efficient delivery of social services. They also work with government and private institutions in supporting local government units.
- Website:
- Career Page:
4. National Economic Development Authority (NEDA)
- Overview: The country’s premier socioeconomic body, the National Economic Development Authority, provides high-level advice to policymakers regarding macroeconomic forecasting, policy analysis, and research. Through their programs, they want to empower Filipinos to have a “matatag, maginhawa at panatag na buhay.”
- Website:
- Career Page:
- Attached Organizations: Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA), Philippine Statistical Research & Training Institute (PSRTI), Philippine Institute for Development Studies (PIDS), Public-Private Partnership Center (PPPC), Tariff Commission (TC), and Philippine National Volunteer Service Coordinating Agency (PNVSCA)
5. Commission on Elections (COMELEC)
- Overview: The Commission on Elections28 or COMELEC is mandated to enforce and administer all laws related to the conduct of elections, referendums, and similar activities. They make the decisions regarding all questions connected to elections, such as the registration of voters, the location and number of polling places, and the appointment of election officials.
- Website:
- Career Page:
6. Commission on Audit (COA)
- Overview: The mission of the Commission on Audit is to ensure accountability for public resources, promote transparency, and help improve government operations. Its vision: A trustworthy, independent audit institution that is an enabling partner of the government in ensuring a better life for every Filipino.
- Website:
- Career Page:
7. Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP)
- Overview: Established on July 3, 1993, the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas is the Philippines’ central bank and monetary authority. It has administrative and fiscal autonomy from the National Government. There are jobs in BSP for professionals in banking, finance, economics, and other similar specialties.
- Website:
- Career Page:
8. Social Security System (SSS)
- Overview: The Social Security System is the Philippine government’s social insurance program for private, professional, and informal workers. Their mission: “To manage a financially stable social security system which shall promote social justice through savings and provide meaningful protection and exemplary service to members and their families.”
- Website:
- Career Page:
9. Government Service Insurance System (GSIS)
- Overview: Government Service Insurance System or GSIS is a social insurance institution for all government workers, with only a few exceptions. Its principal benefit package includes life insurance, retirement, separation, and Employee’s Compensation (EC) benefits.
- Website:
- Career Page:
10. Local Government Units (LGU)
To apply for jobs in local government units, you can visit the respective website of the LGU you want to work for. You can also use a search engine to find LGU jobs on job websites.
How To Find Job Vacancies in Philippine Government Agencies
As illustrated above, job vacancies at a specific government agency are found on their career pages. If you don’t have a specific agency in mind, though, you might want to try out the other methods below:
1. CSC’s Aggregate Job Vacancies Database
The Civil Service Commission (CSC) maintains a combined list of job vacancies across government units on its website. It’s easy to find a vacancy that fits you by using the website’s filters to narrow your search.

- Search by Position shows job vacancies for the search term you have entered. For example, you can search for “teacher,” which will show all the vacancies available for teacher jobs.
- Filter by Agency Name shows only the job vacancies for the specific agency or government unit. If you have a specific agency that you want to work for, then use this filter.
- Filter by Region shows only the job vacancies for your chosen location. Use this filter if you only want to work in a specific location.
Note that the CSC is not responsible for entertaining your application. You still have to apply directly to the hiring government agency for the position you are interested in.
2. Job Websites
The Philippine government also partners with job portals such as in looking for employment candidates. You can use the search term “government” on the job website’s platform to look for job openings.
3. Social Media
If you are not actively seeking a job in government just yet but want to be notified of opportunities, then social media might be for you. You can follow social media pages that publish updates for new available job positions.
However, be very careful about applying for government jobs through non-official channels. A legit job posting usually has a link to the official career page of the hiring government agency.
4. Job Fairs
Keep on the lookout for job fairs from the Philippine government. For instance, the Civil Service Commission, in partnership with, hosted an online job fair last September 20-24, 202129. More than 2,580 vacancies were opened across 119 government agencies.
What You Need To Know About Job Postings for Philippine Government Agencies
For first-time applicants to government positions, there may be unfamiliar terms in the job postings. Here’s what you need to know about them:
1. Type of Government Position Status
When applying for a government job, make sure you know the position status since it indicates the employment conditions (i.e., the duration, benefits, and nature of work). There are currently six types: regular/plantilla, casual, coterminous, contractual, job order, and consultancy/contract of services. Learn everything you need to know about them through our guide here.
2. Salary/Job/Pay Grade
Philippine government job postings indicate the salary level for the position using a number from 1 to 33, called the salary grade. It also indicates the difficulty of the job – the higher the number, the more responsibilities required. Check the minimum monthly salary equivalent of the job you’re applying for in our updated salary grade guide.
3. Civil Service Eligibility
Except for special cases, most Filipinos must pass the civil service exam to be eligible for a regular job in the government. Note that jobs classified under casual, coterminous, or contractual employment status don’t need civil service eligibility. If you are set on getting a job as a regular government employee, prepare by reading our civil service exam reviewer.
Tips and Warnings
- Found a government job you are interested in? You can learn everything you need to know about how to apply for government jobs in the Philippines in our step-by-step guide. You should know that you must prepare a separate set of documents for each position you are applying for.
- Don’t leave your other job just yet. Expect a lengthy hiring process that might take two to six months. The government follows a strict protocol that involves many steps. As an example, check out this hiring process flowchart from the DOTC.
- Not sure which agency is the best fit for you? Before you apply, ask the people you know working in the government about what you can expect as a civil servant. If you don’t know anyone, you can go to online forums to ask about the agency you want to work for.
- Increase your chances of hiring by researching the agency you want to join. Then, customize your resume and cover letter according to the job’s specifics. Don’t forget to list down common questions you might be asked in the job interview and then practice your answers for them.
Frequently Asked Questions
1. Can I get a job in the Philippine government without civil service eligibility?
Yes, jobs classified under coterminous, contractual, or casual employment status do not require civil service eligibility30. For other employment status types, civil service eligibility is required.
The civil service exam is not the only way to get civil service eligibility. Under special laws31, individuals who fall under 11 different categories are granted civil service eligibility by the CSC even without taking the exam. These are:
Bar/Board Eligibility (RA1080)
Barangay Health Worker Eligibility (RA7883)
Barangay Nutrition Scholar Eligibility (PD1569)
Barangay Official Eligibility (RA 7160)
Electronic Data Processing Specialist Eligibility (CSC Res. 90-083)
Foreign School Honor Graduate Eligibility (CSC Res. 1302714)
Honor Graduate Eligibility (PD907)
Sanggunian Member Eligibility (RA 10156)
Scientific and Technological Specialist Eligibility (PD 997)
Skills Eligibility – Category II (CSC MC 11, s. 1996, as Amended)
Veteran Preference Rating (EO 132/790)
You can check out our guide for more details on these exemptions.
2. Is it easy to get a job in the Philippine government?
Getting a job in the Philippine government is a long process that may take 2 to 6 months. You must meet the job’s qualifications, such as education level, work experience, and civil service eligibility. It takes a lot of preparation, but many advantages, like job security and pension benefits, make the effort worth your time.
3. What jobs are the most in demand in Philippine government agencies?
You will know if a job is in demand if there are a lot of vacancies available in the Civil Service Commission’s database. There are thousands of job postings in the CSC’s database across various professions, from agricultural technologists to information technology officers and from security guards to administrative aides. Make sure to sort by posting date to see the most recent jobs available.
4. Which Philippine government jobs pay the most?
The pay for jobs in the Philippine government is standardized, meaning each position is assigned a salary grade from 1 to 33. The higher the grade, the higher the minimum monthly salary.
The highest grades are reserved primarily for elected or appointed officials, such as the president, vice president, senators, and executive secretaries.
Next, salary grades 9 to 33 are assigned for professional supervisory positions – those in a managerial role. And then, salary grades 8 to 30 are assigned for professional non-supervisory positions – those professionals who practice the arts or sciences.
So, research which careers can potentially reach a high salary grade if you want a high-paying and secure government job. Also, take note that there is a slow career progression in government. Promotions usually come only when a senior employee leaves.
5. Are there jobs in the Philippine government available for my region?
To find Philippine government jobs available for your region, use the CSC’s database and select the region you want to work in.
Please note that you still have to apply directly to the hiring agency. You can find detailed information on how to apply through the View Details button.
6. I am a [Your Profession]. Can I find a job in the Philippine government?
To find a job in the Philippine government specifically for your profession, go to the CSC’s database and use the Position search function. Simply type the position you are looking for in the text box.
For this example, searching for “technician” positions showed results across various agencies and regions. Narrow your search further by using the other available filters.
- Civil Service Commission (CSC). (2017). 2017 Omnibus Rules on Appointments and Other Human Resource Actions.
- Eligibilities Granted under Special Laws and CSC Issuances. Retrieved 25 October 2021, from
- Civil Service Commission (CSC). (2021). Inventory of Government Human Resources [PDF]. Retrieved from
- Mandate. Retrieved 24 October 2021, from
- Mandate, Mission, and Vision. (2021). Retrieved 25 October 2021, from
- Mandate. (2018). Retrieved 25 October 2021, from
- The DepEd Vision, Mission, Core Values, and Mandate. Retrieved 25 October 2021, from
- Mandate, Mission and Vision. Retrieved 25 October 2021, from
- Mandate, Vision & Mission. (2016). Retrieved 25 October 2021, from
- Who We Are. Retrieved 25 October 2021, from
- Mission, Vision & Core Values. Retrieved 25 October 2021, from
- DOH Profile. Retrieved 25 October 2021, from
- Mission & Vision. Retrieved 25 October 2021, from
- Vision & Mission. Retrieved 25 October 2021, from
- Mandate, Powers and Functions. Retrieved 25 October 2021, from
- Vision, Mission, Quality Policy/Objectives, Mandate and Functions. Retrieved 25 October 2021, from
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- The Department. Retrieved 25 October 2021, from
- About DPWH. Retrieved 25 October 2021, from
- Mandate, Mission, and Vision. (2014). Retrieved 25 October 2021, from
- About Us. Retrieved 25 October 2021, from
- Mission and Structure. Retrieved 25 October 2021, from
- About the Department of Trade and Industry. Retrieved 25 October 2021, from
- About DOTr. (2021). Retrieved 25 October 2021, from
- Vision, Mission, Values. Retrieved 25 October 2021, from
- Vision & Mission. Retrieved 25 October 2021, from
- Our Mission. Retrieved 25 October 2021, from
- About COMELEC. (2017). Retrieved 26 October 2021, from
- Civil Service Commission, JobStreet to hold 2021 Government Online Career Fair. (2021). Retrieved 25 October 2021, from
- Civil Service Commission (CSC). (2017). 2017 Omnibus Rules on Appointments and Other Human Resource Actions.
- Eligibilities Granted under Special Laws and CSC Issuances. Retrieved 25 October 2021, from
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