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How To Check PhilHealth Contribution 2025

How To Check PhilHealth Contribution 2025

Regularly checking your PhilHealth contribution ensures your payments are remitted and posted in your membership account. If your contributions are updated, you’re assured of PhilHealth benefits when needed.

Listed below are ways to make a PhilHealth contribution inquiry.

Disclaimer: This article has been published for educational purposes only. Neither the author nor FilipiKnow is affiliated with PhilHealth, so specific queries about your membership and insurance benefits must be forwarded to the proper authority.

How To Check PhilHealth Contribution Online: 5 Steps

PhilHealth has an online service that allows members to access their posted contributions and membership records conveniently.

This member portal couldn’t be accessed online for a while, so you had no choice but to use other methods of checking your contributions.

As of this writing, the PhilHealth online member inquiry facility is now available for all members. However, if you previously created an account with them, you can no longer access it, so you must register again.

Follow the instructions below for the complete process of creating an account and checking your membership contributions.

1. Access the PhilHealth Member Portal and select “Create Account” at the bottom of the page

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You can also access the PhilHealth Member Portal via the official PhilHealth website.

Select online services on the main menu, then, under Membership, look for Member Portal. Click Register/Login to access the PhilHealth Member Portal finally.

Note: If you already created an account, please skip this step and jump to step 4 to log in to your account.

2. Fill out the registration form

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Accomplish the online form with your PhilHealth number, name, birth date, mobile number, email address, and preferred password.

Your password must contain at least 8 characters and a maximum of 32 characters. To be accepted, the password must contain at least one digit, an upper case letter, a lower case letter, and one special character.

When completing the form, enter the captcha code and click Create Account.

Check your email for a confirmation message from PhilHealth. The message contains your PhilHealth number, password, and activation link.

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4. Log into your online member account

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Enter your PhilHealth number (PIN) and password. Input the captcha code provided. Then click the Login button.

Upon logging in, you’ll land on your main Membership Information page, where you’ll see your personal information, a list of dependent/s, and an option to print your MDR.

5. Click “Premium Contribution” from the main menu

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This will take you to the Premium Contribution page that shows a summary of contributions, and contribution payment history (with the most recent ones shown first).

The Premium Contribution page has three main parts. The uppermost section features a search filter to enter a specific date range. It lets you verify whether you paid premium contributions for a specific period. Although everyone is entitled to receive PhilHealth benefits regardless of member contribution, you must check if your contributions are paid on time; otherwise, you will be obligated to settle missed payments with corresponding interest.

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The next portion is the Member Contribution Payment Summary which provides an overview of your premium contributions. If you’re employed, it shows how much you have contributed as an employee and how much of your total contributions were shouldered by your employer. Meanwhile, if you’re a self-paying/voluntary member, the Total Employer Share column should be empty since you’re paying 100% of your premium contributions. Finally, it shows the total amount of contributions you have paid so far since the start of your membership, and the total number of months you’ve been paying.

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The last section is the Member Contribution Payment History. As its name suggests, it provides a detailed look at the contributions you’ve paid so far. All your contributions are listed in a table format, with the year, month, amount of employer share, amount of your share, and the total contribution indicated. The data are arranged according to recency, with the latest contributions displayed on the first page.

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Click the Next button to view your posted contributions for the previous months or years.

Other Ways To Check Your PhilHealth Contributions

1. PhilHealth Action Center

The PhilHealth hotline’s contribution verification service is available 24/7, so you can call anytime.

Here are the simple steps to check your PhilHealth contribution through the call center hotline:

  1. Dial (02) 8441-7442
  2. Press 1 for English or 2 for Taglish instructions.
  3. Press 1 if you’re in Metro Manila or 2 in the province.
  4. Press 4 for member contribution verification.
  5. Enter your PhilHealth number. 
  6. The voice prompt will dictate the PhilHealth number you provided. Press 1 if it’s correct or 2 if it’s incorrect. Re-enter your PhilHealth number if you dialed it wrong the first time.
  7. Enter your birthdate in MMDDYYY format.
  8. The voice prompt will dictate the birthdate you provided. Press 1 if it’s correct or 2 if it’s incorrect. Re-enter your birthdate if you dialed it wrong the first time.
  9. Listen carefully to the voice prompt that will dictate the date of your last posted contribution. 
  10. If you need more information about your PhilHealth contributions, press 0 to speak with an agent. Call center agents are available only Mondays to Fridays, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. If you call after office hours, the hotline will allow you to leave your contact number so an agent will call you back on the next working day.

2. Email inquiry (for OFW members only)

OFW members may request their contribution payment records through the Overseas Filipinos Program. To inquire via email, send a message with your PhilHealth number, complete name, and birthdate to [email protected].

3. Personal inquiry at any PhilHealth office

If you have to do other transactions with PhilHealth, visit the nearest PhilHealth branch to inquire about your posted contributions. You may request a copy of your contribution payment history directly from PhilHealth. 

Tips and Warnings

1. In case you forget your password in the future, all you need to do is reset it

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On the Member Inquiry facility, click on Forgot Password? and enter your PhilHealth number and email address registered with PhilHealth. Then type the security code on the screen and click the Submit button.

You’ll receive an email message from PhilHealth with a link for your password reset. Click the password reset link and enter your new password twice.

Go back to the main article: How to Compute PhilHealth Contribution: A Complete Guide to Contribution Table and Payment

Written by Venus Zoleta

in Government Services, Juander How, PhilHealth

Last Updated

Venus Zoleta

Venus Zoleta is an experienced writer and editor for over 10 years, covering topics on personal finance, travel, government services, and digital marketing. Her background is in journalism and corporate communications. In her early 20s, she started investing and purchased a home. Now, she advocates financial literacy for Filipinos and shares her knowledge online. When she's not working, Venus bonds with her pet cats and binges on Korean dramas and Pinoy rom-coms.

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