Police Salary Philippines 2025 (Plus, Guide on How to Become a Police)

With the doubling of police salary in the Philippines during President Duterte’s term1, more Filipinos are eager to start a career in law enforcement.
But money alone shouldn’t be your motivating factor for joining the profession. After all, policemen have huge responsibilities; hence, they need to be disciplined, hard-working, courageous, and capable of thinking on their feet.
In this guide, we’ll give you an overview of the difficult but fulfilling path to becoming a police in the Philippines so you can gauge whether a career in the police force is the right one for you.
Table of Contents
How Much Is the Salary of Police in the Philippines?
After President Rodrigo Duterte approved the Congress joint resolution authorizing the increase in base pay of military and uniformed personnel (MUP) in 20182, the police salary in the Philippines increased by up to 100%. The base pay for the entry-level position of patrolman/patrolwoman is ₱29,668, while the highest-paid officer in the police force, the Police General, currently takes home ₱149,785 every month. The salary increase for police officers came in two waves–the first was implemented in January 2018, while the last began a year later3.
1. Base Pay
The base pay is the fixed amount uniformed PNP personnel receive every month. The table below shows policemen’s latest monthly base pay from the lowest-ranking to the highest-ranking official.
Rank | Abbreviation | Equivalent Rank (1991 – 2019) | Monthly Base Pay |
Patrolman/Patrolwoman | Pat | Police Officer I (PO1) | 29,668 |
Police Corporal | PCpl | Police Officer II (PO2) | 30,867 |
Police Staff Sergeant | PSSg | Police Officer III (PO3) | 32,114 |
Police Master Sergeant | PMSg | Senior Police Officer I | 33,411 |
Police Senior Master Sergeant | PSMS | Senior Police Officer II | 34,079 |
Police Chief Master Sergeant | PCMS | Senior Police Officer III | 34,761 |
Police Executive Master Sergeant | PEMS | Senior Police Officer IV | 38,366 |
Police Lieutenant | PLT | Police Inspector | 49,528 |
Police Captain | PCPT | Police Senior Inspector | 56,582 |
Police Major | PMAJ | Police Chief Inspector | 62,555 |
Police Lieutenant Colonel | PLTCOL | Police Superintendent | 71,313 |
Police Colonel | PCOL | Police Senior Superintendent | 80,583 |
Police Brigadier General | PBGEN | Police Chief Superintendent | 91,058 |
Police Major General | PMGEN | Police Director | 102,896 |
Police Lieutenant General | PLTGEN | Police Deputy Director General | 125,574 |
Police General | PGEN | Police Director General | 149,785 |
As you’ve noticed in the table above, the Philippine National Police (PNP) is now using a new rank classification and abbreviation. The change began when Republic Act No. 112004 was signed in early 2019, retiring the familiar rank names for lowest-ranking police officers (i.e., PO1, PO2, and PO3) and putting the word “police” before each new rank classification.
Note also that the table above only shows the monthly base pay that uniformed PNP personnel receive. In addition to this fixed amount, police officers are also entitled to other financial benefits like longevity pay and allowances, including subsistence allowance, clothing allowance, cost of living allowance, hazard pay, and quarters allowance, among others.
2. Longevity Pay
Police officers are entitled to longevity pay, equivalent to 10% of their basic monthly salaries for every five years of service5 (starting from the police’s appointment date). The longevity pay must not exceed 50% of the basic salary.
3. Regular Allowances
Regular allowances are given to uniformed police officers monthly in addition to their base pay or basic salary6. The table below shows the allowances that police officers receive every month.
Regular Allowance | Description | Amount |
Quarters Allowance | A type of allowance given to officers who have not been provided with living quarters inside PNP. Those who have obtained housing units or living quarters are no longer entitled to this allowance. | Varies according to rank. The lowest is ₱400/month for Patrolman/Patrolwoman, while the highest is ₱1500/month for Police General. |
Regular Subsistence Allowance | An allowance that covers the cost of the police officer’s regular daily meals. | ₱150/day |
Clothing Allowance | An allowance that covers the cost of maintaining the police officer’s uniform. | ₱200/month |
Hazard Pay | Due to the hazardous nature of their occupation, police officers are given a fixed occupational hazard pay every month. | ₱540/month |
Personnel Economic Relief Allowance (PERA) | This financial benefit is given to all police officers/PNP uniformed personnel below the rank of Police Major, including PNPA cadets. | ₱2,000/month |
Laundry Allowance | An allowance that covers the cost needed to launder the police uniforms, which happens regularly as they are required to wear presentable uniforms at all times. | ₱60/month |
4. Gratuity
Gratuity is an extraordinary cash benefit, equivalent to ₱20,000 per month, only given to a Medal of Valor awardee.
The Medal of Valor7 or Medalya ng Kagitingan is the highest award of the Philippine National Police. It is awarded to any PNP member who has “performed in action a deed of personal bravery and self-sacrifice above and beyond the call of duty so conspicuous as to distinguish himself clearly above his comrades in the performance of more than ordinarily hazardous service.”
5. Collateral Pay and Allowances
These are allowances and cash benefits issued only on specific occasions or to a select number of uniformed PNP personnel, unlike the regular monthly allowances. In 2018, NAPOLCOM (National Police Commission) issued Resolution No. 2018-3408, significantly increasing the collateral pay and allowances given to police officers. The table below summarizes the collateral pay and allowances indicated in the resolution.
Collateral Pay/Allowance | Description | Amount |
Hospital Subsistence Allowance | This allowance, in the form of daily meals, is issued in addition to the regular subsistence allowance to any police officer confined in PNP hospitals and/or dispensaries. | Equivalent to the daily cost of meals served to PNP hospital patients during confinement. |
Additional Subsistence Allowance (formerly CDC Subsistence Allowance) | This subsistence allowance was established to supplement the meal requirement of PNP uniformed personnel deployed in operations involving search, rescue, retrieval, Civil Disturbance Management (CDM), and providing security on vital installations and events of notable significance. | 50% of the prevailing daily subsistence allowance |
Training Subsistence Allowance | An allowance given to uniformed PNP personnel undergoing training/on-the-job training/schooling in a PNP training school or any other institution recognized by the PNP where they acquire knowledge, skills, and expertise for professional/career advancement. | 50% of the prevailing subsistence allowance, to be paid through individual ATM payroll account after the police officer completes the training |
Combat Duty Pay (CDP) | This fixed allowance is issued to police officers engaged in actual police operations such as counter-insurgency and crime prevention (including providing security to the President and the presidential family). | A fixed rate of ₱3,000 |
Combat Incentive Pay (CIP) | An allowance given to police officers engaged in direct or actual combat against insurgents, terrorists, and lawless elements. To be qualified, the operation must be for a specific combat mission covered by a Letter Order/Mission Order, and the police officer must be in the published task organization of the PNP Mission Order. | ₱300/day or ₱3,000/month |
Hazardous Duty Pay | An allowance issued to police officers exposed to occupational hazards/elements or involved in hazardous jobs with a high risk of death, sickness, or loss of limbs (e.g., deep-sea diving, mine sweeping, testing of new and dangerous equipment, exposure to biological hazards, etc.). | 50% of the monthly base pay |
Radiation Hazard Pay | A type of hazard pay given to police officers assigned to jobs at PNP hospitals/dispensaries/laboratories where they subject themselves to the hazards of overexposure to radioactive elements in X-ray units, cobalts, caesium, or radioactive radiation, but are not receiving sea duty, CDP, specialist, or hazardous duty pay. | 25% of the monthly base pay |
Incentive Pay | This incentive is given to licensed medical professionals (including doctors and nurses), veterinarians, dentists, lawyers, pilots, engineers, and architects who joined the PNP. | 10% of the monthly base pay |
Instructor’s Duty Pay | This incentive allowance is given to police officers assigned to PNP training schools/centers where they will teach, supervise training activities, or conduct research. | 25% of the monthly base pay if involved in actual teaching activities and completed a minimum of 48 hours of monthly instructional time; 10% of the monthly base pay if the police officer performed activities that support classroom or field teaching |
Specialist Pay | This pay is given to all deserving PNP uniformed personnel with particular positions within the unit/office who have demonstrated high skill, aptitudes, training, experiences, and knowledge in performing their duties but are not assigned in critical areas that would have qualified them for hazardous duty pay. | 5% of the monthly base pay issued every quarter to police officers from ranks Patrolman/Patrolwoman to Police Brigadier General |
Flying Pay | This allowance is given specifically to PNP pilots and aircraft crew (e.g., flight surgeons and flight nurses) whose duty requires them to do regular and frequent aerial flights. To qualify, the pilots must maintain an average of 4 hours of aerial flight per month. | 50% of the monthly base pay |
Sea Duty Pay | An incentive paid to police officers assigned to the PNP Maritime Group responsible for performing law enforcement duties in our inland waters (i.e., lakes and river systems) and coastal/territorial waters. | 25% of the monthly base pay |
NCRPO Incentive Pay (formerly CAPCOM Incentive Pay) | This incentive pay is exclusively given to PNP uniformed personnel assigned to NCRPO, whether in the five police districts or the headquarters, provided they are not in detail or detached service status. | 3% of the monthly base pay incorporated into the monthly salary |
Special Clothing Allowance | This clothing allowance is given to PNP uniformed personnel assigned as aides de camps, escorts and honor guards, PNP Band Members, and base police whose duties require them to wear presentable uniforms at all times, especially during frequent public appearances and attendance to ceremonies. | 5% of the monthly base pay, the payment of which will be based on appropriate orders after six months of service/assignment to their special duties |
Additional Laundry Allowance (formerly Laundry Allowance) | This additional laundry allowance is given to police officers (e.g., PNP Bands, Presidential Security Group, aides-de-camp to the President, etc.) to cover the laundry cost for the uniforms they must wear during frequent public appearances and ceremony attendance. | 2% of the monthly base pay |
Cold Weather Clothing Allowance (CWCA) | This allowance is issued to police officers to help them obtain the special clothing they need to withstand the cold weather in cold places where they’re assigned (e.g., Batanes Province, Paredes Air Station in Ilocos Norte, Tagaytay City, etc.). | 10% of the monthly base pay per annum, the payment of which will be based on appropriate orders after six months of service/assignment to a cold area. |
Winter Clothing Allowance | This clothing allowance is given to police officers undergoing foreign schooling/training. The money will cover the cost of winter clothing abroad, provided they’ll waive all other collateral allowances for the duration of their training/schooling. | 3rd Level Officers: $500 2nd Level Officers (PCOs): $500 2nd Level Officers (PNCOs): $500 |
Initial Clothing Allowance | This covers the cost of supplying ready-to-wear clothing (uniform, undershirt, shoes, and caps) to new PNP recruits upon entry into the service. | The clothing allowance rates will depend upon the number of items to be granted and/or the prevailing market price. |
Hardship Allowance | This incentive is given to PNP uniformed personnel assigned at remote/isolated places inaccessible by regular transportation, making it challenging to obtain necessities and for police officers to contact their families during their tour of duty. | Compensation will depend on the category of the police officer’s place of assignment: Category I (the station/unit is inaccessible by a regularly scheduled means of public transportation): 10% of the monthly base pay Category II (facilities for billeting, messing, recreation, medical service, light and water, mall and cell sites, inside the station/unit/area of assignment are inadequate): 15% of the monthly base pay Category III (combination of both): 25% of the monthly base pay |
Burial Allowance | Assistance for the bereaved family upon the death of a PNP uniformed personnel, regardless of the circumstances | ₱20,000 |
SAF Incentive Pay | This incentive pay is issued to all PNP SAF personnel who have rendered at least 2 years of continuous service with the PNP SAF, provided the police officer has completed all of the PNP SAF mandatory foundation courses and is not on detail or Detached Service status to other units. | 10% of the monthly base pay, to be incorporated into the monthly salary |
6. Other Financial Benefits
In addition to regular and collateral pay/allowances, the following bonuses/financial benefits await those who will join the roster of police officers in PNP:
Financial Benefit | Description | Amount |
Anniversary Bonus | This bonus is given to PNP uniformed personnel who have rendered at least 1 year of service in the PNP as of the date of the milestone year (15th anniversary and then every 5 years after that), provided the police officer has not been found guilty of any work-related offense during the 5-year interval between milestone years. | Must not exceed ₱3,000 |
Mid-Year (13th Month) Bonus | This bonus is given not earlier than May 15 of every year to police officers who are currently in service and have rendered at least 4 months of satisfactory service. | Equivalent to one month’s worth of salary/base pay |
Year-End (14th Month) Bonus | This bonus is given to PNP uniformed personnel in November of every year. | Equivalent to 1 month’s basic salary and Cash Gift at prescribed rates. |
Enhanced Performance-Based Bonus | Based on a progressive rate system, the enhanced performance-based bonus given to police officers increases as the position and responsibility in improving agency performance increases. | Equivalent to 1 month up to 2 months basic salary, to be implemented in 2 phases. |
Productivity Enhancement Incentive | This incentive is given to all qualified government employees, including police officers, not earlier than December 15 of every year to improve their productivity. | ₱5,000 |
How To Become a Police in the Philippines: 2 Ways
A career in law enforcement in the Philippines is decent, considering the current police salary and allowances. However, joining PNP isn’t as easy as it may seem, as you’ll be competing with thousands of applicants over limited slots in the agency.
So, how exactly do you become a police in the Philippines? You can choose between two paths: If you’re a high school graduate, you can join the Philippine National Police Academy and complete a 4-year program to become a Police Lieutenant. Meanwhile, Bachelor’s degree holders may pass the annual Philippine National Police Entrance Exam (PNPE) and the subsequent rigorous screening process to start a career in PNP as a Patrolman/Patrolwoman.
Each path has its share of challenges, so we’ll give you an overview of each option so you’ll know what to expect.
Option 1: Become a Philippine National Police Academy (PNPA) Cadet

The Philippine National Police Academy (PNPA) serves as the training ground for future commissioned officers of the PNP through its 4-year residential scholarship program.
If you make it to their scholarship program, you’ll spend four years in the academy to undergo intense education and training to become an effective public safety officer. Upon graduation, the cadets will earn the degree of Bachelor of Science in Public Safety (BSPS) and be automatically appointed Police Lieutenant9.
Are you interested in getting the full scholarship? First, you must take and pass their entrance exam called the Philippine National Police Academy Cadet Admission Test (PNPACAT). To qualify for the said exam, you must meet the following requirements:
- You must be a natural-born Filipino citizen;
- You must be 18-22 years old before admission;
- You must be single and with no parental obligation;
- You must be at least a Senior High School graduate before admission;
- Your height must be at least 5’2″ (158.5 cm) for males and 5’0″ (152.4 cm) for females;
- You must have a normal Body Mass Index (BMI);
- You must be physically and mentally fit to undergo and endure the cadetship program;
- You must have good moral character, which means no criminal, administrative, or civil derogatory record;
- You must have no pending complaint and/or case before any tribunal of whatever nature;
- You must not be a former PNPA cadet or other similar institution;
- You must have never been dismissed from any private employment or government position for cause.
If you meet all the qualification requirements above, you can take the PNPACAT. Although the application process may change yearly, the following steps will give you an idea of what the online application looks like.
- Access the PNPACAT online application portal (usually https://application.pnpa.edu.ph/) and click the button intended for new registrants. Create your account.
- Sign in with your registered email address and password.
- Select your preferred testing venue and upload the scanned copies of requested documents (i.e., PSA Birth Certificate, passport-sized picture with a name tag and signature, and duly accomplished BMI form signed by a licensed physician).
- Submit your application and check your email for the system-generated Notice of Examination with a QR code.
- Print the Notice of Examination and present it to the proctor on the examination day.
Applicants who will pass the PNPACAT will go through the second phase of the screening process, which includes a Body Mass Index (BMI) assessment, Physical Agility Test (PAT), Psychiatric/Psychological Examination (PPE), Physical, Medical, and Dental Examination (PMDE), Drug Test (DT) and complete Character and Background Investigation (CBI)10.
Successful applicants who will be accepted into the scholarship program will enter the academy with the rank of Police Cadet. This is a temporary status that is renewed every year until graduation. They’re also classified according to class, which indicates the year level the cadet is currently in. The categories are Fourth Class (1st year), Third Class (2nd year), Second Class (3rd year), and First Class (4th year).
While in the academy, the Police Cadets will receive base pay, allowances, and other benefits of not less than ₱38,366.
Option 2: Earn a Bachelor’s Degree and Enter PNP as a Patrolman/Patrolwoman

While some Filipinos knew as early as high school that they wanted to be police, others didn’t heed the call to service until after they graduated from college.
Suppose you already have a Bachelor’s degree. In that case, you still have the chance to join the PNP as long as you meet the following qualification requirements11:
- You are a citizen of the Philippines;
- You must be 21-30 years old at the time of application;
- You are a person of good moral character. This means you must not have been convicted by final judgment of an offense or crime involving moral turpitude;
- You have no pending criminal case in any court or administrative case if you’re already a government employee;
- You must not have been dishonorably discharged from military employment or declared on Absence Without Official Leave or Dropped from the Rolls from the PNP service, or dismissed for cause from any civilian position in the government;
- You must have passed the psychiatric/psychological, physical, medical, and dental tests administered by the PNP Health Service or by any NAPOLCOM-accredited government hospital and drug tests administered by the Crime Laboratory Group;
- You must have earned a Bachelor’s degree from a recognized learning institution;
- You must have a height of at least 1.57 m (5’2”) for males and 1.52 m (5’)for females12;
- You must weigh not more or less than five kilograms (5.0 kg) from the standard weight corresponding to your height, age, and sex.
If you meet all the eligibility requirements above, you can apply for the PNP Entrance Examination administered by the National Police Commission. You need to pass this exam to proceed to the next stage of the screening process. However, you are exempt from taking the NAPOLCOM PNP Entrance Examination if you’re one of the following:
- Licensed Criminologist
- Bar and Board Examination passer
- College honor graduate
- Civil service professional (i.e., you have passed the CSC professional examination)
If you’re one of the above, you’re qualified to apply for the entry-level rank of Patrolman/Patrolwoman without the need to take the entrance examination. Licensed criminologists (i.e., Criminology graduates who have passed their board exam) are usually assigned to the Police Regional Office, Anti-Kidnapping Group (AKG), and the Special Action Force (SAF)13.
When screening applicants, priority will be given to the following:
- Latin honorees, with an academic award of distinction and/or Dean’s lister;
- Graduates of a medical, information technology, mass communication, or engineering course;
- With special talents in theatre and arts, such as musicians, actors/singers;
- With above +5 rating on the passing rate of their GWA and eligibility rating.
To apply for the rank of Patrolman/Patrolwoman, here are the basic mandatory requirements you need to obtain:
- Duly accomplished Civil Service Commission (CSC) Form 212;
- PSA Birth Certificate;
- Report of Rating of Eligibility authenticated by the issuing authority;
- Two pieces of “2×2” colored pictures with the applicant’s name;
- Transcript of Records (TOR) and Diploma duly certified by the school registrar;
- Barangay Clearance;
- Police Clearance or NBI Clearance;
- Certificate of Good Moral Character issued by the applicant’s collegiate school;
- Medical Certificate issued by the local health officer;
- Copy of two government-issued valid IDs.
Successful applicants who pass the initial screening will be notified about the next stage of the application process; otherwise, they will be provided with the reason behind their disqualification.
After the initial screening, applicants undergo different tests/examinations for the final evaluation. Applicants must pass all tests to proceed to the last phase of the application process; if they fail one test, they will be automatically barred from taking the succeeding test.
Here’s the sequence of tests included in the final evaluation:
- Initial Assessment of Body Mass Index (BMI). This assessment uses an electronic device to determine the qualified applicants’ BMI. The successful applicant must have a BMI of 18.5 to 26.5 (kg/m²)14 to proceed to the next step.
- Electrocardiogram (ECG) examination. This is conducted to gauge the fitness of the applicants and determine whether their bodies can endure the rigors of the subsequent Physical Agility Test (PAT). Applicants must obtain their ECG results from a government hospital, with cardio clearance signed by a cardiologist. Those who won’t pass the ECG test will no longer proceed to the next step of the final evaluation.
- Physical Agility Test (PAT). With the presence of a NAPOLCOM representative, applicants will be subjected to a series of physically demanding events to test whether they have the coordination, strength, and speed needed to fulfill their roles in the police force successfully. This test consists of three events: a. One-minute push-ups (35 reps for males and 25 reps of bench push-ups for females); b. One-minute sit-ups (35 reps for males and 25 reps for females); c. 3-kilometer run (19 minutes for males and 21 minutes for females). To proceed to the next stage, the applicants must pass all events; neither retaking nor averaging is allowed.
- Psychiatric/Psychological Examination (PPE). This exam assesses the applicant’s mental health and whether he/she can endure the challenges of police work. It will be administered under the supervision of a PNP medical officer and a NAPOLCOM representative. Applicants who will pass this exam will proceed to the complete Physical, Medical, and Dental Examination or PMDE. Otherwise, he/she can retake the exam after 6 months. If the applicant fails the exam 3 times, he/she will no longer be allowed to apply for the Patrolman/Patrolwoman rank.
- Complete Physical, Medical, and Dental Examination (PMDE). Like PPE, this exam will be conducted under the supervision of the PNP medical officer and a NAPOLCOM representative. It’s conducted by the PNP Health Service or any NAPOLCOM-accredited hospital to assess the applicant’s physical health and ensure he/she is free from any contagious disease. Female applicants must also undergo a pregnancy test before the oath-taking. No retaking of the examination is allowed.
- Drug Test (DT). This test may be conducted on applicants anytime after the Physical Agility Test, Psychiatric/Psychological Examination, or the Physical, Medical, and Dental Examination but before the Final Committee Interview.
- Complete Character and Background Investigation (CBI). The background check is usually conducted on all PPE passers before being endorsed to the Final Committee Interview. It’s necessary to ensure the applicant has never been involved in criminal activity or tied to any dubious/terrorist organization. In other words, it will gauge the applicant’s MILDCR (morality, integrity, loyalty, dedication, character, and reputation). During this step, the applicant must obtain and submit a Certificate of Good Moral Character from his/her school. Applicants without recommended CBI will not be allowed to proceed to the oath-taking. However, the investigation results will continue to be validated during the one-year probationary period. Should there be any derogatory record/information that will be discovered and validated during this period, it will be grounds for the cancellation of the recruit’s appointment.
Applicants who pass all the tests included in the final evaluation will be scheduled for the Final Committee Interview. This interview is the last step of the application process and will determine the following qualities of each applicant:
- Aptitude to join the police force
- Likeableness
- Affability
- Outside interest
- Conversational ability
- Disagreeable mannerisms
- Others
The screening committee will combine the interview results and the evaluation of the qualifications to determine the successful applicants who make it to the official list of new appointees. The oath-taking will be scheduled soon after that to welcome the recruits to the PNP roster of Patrolmen/Patrolwomen.
The new Patrolman/Patrolwoman is placed under a temporary appointment for up to 12 months, during which he/she will complete the required PNP Field Training Program (FTP). This program comprises the Public Safety Basic Recruit Course (PSBRC) and the Field Training Exercise (FTX). The permanent appointment will only be issued to the new police upon completing this training program, combined with experience and assignment in patrol, traffic, and investigation.
- President Duterte fulfills campaign promise, doubles salaries of cops, soldiers (2018) DBM.gov.ph.
- ‘National Budget Circular No. 574: Implementation of the Increase in Base Pay of the Military and Uniformed Personnel (MUP) in the Government Beginning January 1, 2018, and Other Provisions of Congress Joint Resolution (JR) No. 1, s. 2018’ (2018) DBM.gov.ph [Preprint]. Available at: https://www.dbm.gov.ph/index.php/208-2018 (Accessed: 22 August 2023).
- Joint Resolution No. 01 Authorizing the Increase in Base Pay of Military and Uniformed Personnel in the Government, and for Other Purposes (2018).
- PNP implements new rank /classification and abbreviation (2019) Philippine National Police Official Facebook Page. Available at: https://www.facebook.com/pnp.pio/photos/a.479051708802757/2652506561457250/ (Accessed: 23 August 2023).
- Republic Act No. 6975 or the Department of the Interior and Local Government Act of 1990 (An Act Establishing the Philippine National Police Under a Reorganized Department of the Interior and Local Government, and for Other Purposes) (1990). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines.
- Primer on Pay and Allowances, Benefits, and Privileges of the Philippine National Police Personnel and their Dependents. 2nd edn (2018). Philippine National Police (PNP).
- Briefer: PNP medals (no date) Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines. Available at: https://www.officialgazette.gov.ph/featured/pnp-medals/ (Accessed: 31 August 2023).
- ‘NAPOLCOM Resolution No. 2018-340 (Amending Section IV-B of NAPOLCOM Resolution No. 91-18, Entitled: “Rationalizing the Structure of Allowances and Incentive Pays Over and Above the Basic Pay and Longevity Pay of Uniformed Personnel of the Philippine National Police”)’ (no date) NAPOLCOM Official Website [Preprint]. Available at: https://napolcom.gov.ph/pdf/RES%202018-340.pdf (Accessed: 31 August 2023).
- Admission (no date) Philippine National Police Academy (PNPA) Official Website. Available at: https://pnpa.edu.ph/main/index.php/admission/ (Accessed: 02 September 2023).
- Announcement (2023) Facebook. PNP Recruitment and Selection Service (PNP RSS). Available at: https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=542061984773351 (Accessed: 02 September 2023).
- ‘NAPOLCOM Memorandum Circular No. 2021-001 (Prescribing the Guidelines and Procedures for the Recruitment, Selection, and Appointment of Patrolman/Patrolwoman)’ (2021) NAPOLCOM.gov.ph [Preprint]. National Police Commission. Available at: https://napolcom.gov.ph/pdf/MC%202021-001.pdf (Accessed: 02 September 2023).
- Tupas, E. (2021) Height requirement lowered for PNP, other uniformed services, The Philippine Star. Available at: https://www.philstar.com/headlines/2021/05/29/2101654/height-requirement-lowered-pnp-other-uniformed-services (Accessed: 05 September 2023).
- Announcement (2022) Facebook. PNP Recruitment and Selection Service (PNP RSS). Available at: https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=440898061556411 (Accessed: 02 September 2023).
- BMI Check! Paano Malalaman Kung Pasok Ang Iyong BMI? (2022) Facebook. PNP Recruitment and Selection Service (PNP RSS). Available at: https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=376707917975426 (Accessed: 02 September 2023).
Luisito Batongbakal Jr.
Luisito E. Batongbakal Jr. is the founder, editor, and chief content strategist of FilipiKnow, a leading online portal for free educational, Filipino-centric content. His curiosity and passion for learning have helped millions of Filipinos around the world get access to free insightful and practical information at the touch of their fingertips. With him at the helm, FilipiKnow has won numerous awards including the Top 10 Emerging Influential Blogs 2013, the 2015 Globe Tatt Awards, and the 2015 Philippine Bloggys Awards.
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