Authorization Letter Philippines (Free Editable Sample Templates)

An authorization letter is a document that permits the representative to accomplish tasks on behalf of a person. Such tasks that usually need an authorization letter in the absence of the first party include, but are not limited to, financial transactions and legal appointments.
Not good with words and writing a letter? Here are free authorization letter templates for you to download and use!
DISCLAIMER: This article has been written for general informational purposes only and is not legal advice or a substitute for legal counsel. You should contact your attorney to obtain advice with respect to any particular issue or problem. The use of the information contained herein does not create an attorney-client relationship between the author and the user/reader.
Table of Contents
Authorization Letter vs. Special Power of Attorney: What’s the Difference?
The main difference between an authorization letter and the Special Power of Attorney is that the latter is a formal document that must obey state laws. In contrast, an authorization letter is comparatively informal, and it’s not required by state laws to acknowledge it.
Parts of an Authorization Letter

- Sender’s/First-party’s Information – includes the sender’s full name, address, and ZIP code.
- Date – the date when the letter was written.
- Recipient’s Information – includes the recipient’s name, address, and ZIP code.
- Salutation – the sender’s greetings to the recipient (e.g., Dear Mr./Mrs) or the generic “To Whom It May Concern” when you don’t know the recipient’s name/gender.
- Body – the message of the sender that states the letter’s purpose. The sender should also include the date/s of the transaction, the name of the authorized representative, his/her relationship with the said representative, the name of the valid IDs to be attached, and the requirements needed (e.g., original receipts).
- Closing greeting – closing words like Sincerely, Best regards, etc.
- Signature over the printed name of the first-party
How To Make an Authorization Letter in the Philippines: 3 Easy Steps
1. Identify your purpose for needing an Authorization Letter
Different templates are used depending on the purpose of the letter. Therefore, you should first identify the letter’s purpose to know which template will be used.
2. Determine the different parties involved
- First Party: Original rights holder/owner of the money, document, etc.;
- Second Party: Person/institution/organization with whom the first party is transacting;
- Representative: The person carrying out the task.
3. Create the authorization letter
- Option 1: Follow the format shown above and supply the needed information.
- Option 2: Download and edit any templates in the next section below.
23 Free Downloadable and Editable Authorization Letter Templates
1. Sample Authorization Letter for Claiming NBI Clearance
A letter permitting the authorized representative to claim your NBI Clearance on your behalf. You will need to provide an authorization letter if you find yourself in one of the following scenarios:
- You’re applying for or renewing your NBI clearance from abroad and need someone in the Philippines to claim it.
- You were asked to return after a few days because your application got a “HIT,” but you will be unable to do so because of work commitments.
Whatever the case, you will need a template to easily make an authorization letter for claiming NBI clearance.
2. Sample Authorization Letter for Claiming or Receiving PSA/NSO Documents (e.g., Birth Certificate, CENOMAR, etc.)
A letter stating that you are authorizing your representative to claim your PSA/NSO documents (e.g., birth certificate, CENOMAR, marriage certificate, and death certificate) if you cannot do so.
When you don’t need an authorization letter: You don’t need an authorization letter when requesting for NSO/PSA birth certificate and other documents.
For Filipinos abroad, the best way to get a PSA birth certificate/other documents is online. Anyone can request a copy of your document at the PSASerbilis website and have it delivered to your doorsteps anywhere in the world.
If you’re in the Philippines, an online application is the best option, although you can also request your birth certificate via a walk-in application.
For those requesting the PSA document of someone else, indicate in the ‘Requesting Party’ field how you are related to the document owner whom you are requesting a birth certificate for (e.g., spouse, parent, child, grandchild, or grandparent).
Receiving the birth certificate, on the other hand, requires stricter measures.
When you need an authorization letter: The PSA documents like birth certificates, whether ordered online or processed through a walk-in application, can only be issued/delivered to or received by any of the following:
- The applicant/document owner.
- An authorized representative.
- The applicant’s/document owner’s spouse, parent, grandparent, child, or grandchild.
If you’re the applicant/document owner and you won’t be around to claim or receive your PSA document personally, your representative must present the following:
- Signed authorization letter from the document owner, his/her spouse, or any direct descendants (including the parent, grandparent, child, or grandchild) indicated on the ‘Requesting Party’ field.
- Original valid ID of the document owner, spouse, or any direct descendants indicated on the ‘Requesting Party’ field.
- Original valid ID of the authorized representative.
If the document owner is dead or living abroad, you can request assistance from PSA through their 24/7 hotline at (02) 737-1111.
3. Sample Authorization Letter for Authenticating Documents in DFA
A letter permitting the representative to undergo the process of authenticating your document in DFA. He/ she will sign the documents that need a signature and make decisions on your behalf.
4. Sample Authorization Letter for Visa Application Through a Representative
A letter stating that you authorize the bearer of the letter to apply for a specific country’s visa (e.g., Japan visa, Korean visa, etc.) on your behalf.
5. Sample Authorization Letter for Claiming the Passport with or without an Approved Visa
A written statement that verifies that you have permitted the representative to claim your passport on your behalf, whether it includes an approved visa or not.
6. Sample Authorization Letter for BIR/Taxpayer Registration Through a Representative
A written statement that proves that the bearer of the letter is authorized to register you with BIR under EO 98 or as a one-time taxpayer so you can obtain a TIN number even if you’re abroad.
7. Sample Authorization Letter for Claiming of Renewed PRC License
A written statement proving that the bearer of the letter is authorized to claim your renewed PRC license on your behalf.
8. Sample Authorization Letter for PhilHealth ID Application Through a Representative
A letter stating that the bearer can process your application for a PhilHealth ID with full consent since you cannot do so.
9. Sample Authorization Letter for Claiming of Philippine Passport at DFA or Philippine Embassy
This letter states that you authorize your representative to claim your new/renewed Philippine passport from the Department of Foreign Affairs or the Philippine Embassy (if you are located in a different country).
10. Sample Authorization Letter for Renewal and Claiming of Driver’s License of OFWs Through a Representative in the Philippines
A written statement proving that the bearer of the letter can process and claim your renewed Driver’s License on your behalf since you’re an OFW who currently resides outside of the Philippines.
11. Sample Authorization Letter for Buying of Medicine and Other Goods of a Senior Citizen (with Discount) Through a Representative
A letter stating that you, a senior citizen, have authorized a representative to buy the medicine or other goods on your behalf and avail of the senior citizen discount by attaching your senior citizen ID and OSCA booklet as proof. This is recommended for senior citizens who are too weak or are bedridden, preventing them from buying medicines/food/other goods themselves.
12. Sample Authorization Letter for Allowing Someone to Use One’s Motorcycle
A letter stating that you are aware of the matter and authorize the bearer of the letter to use your motorcycle for day/s or more.
13. Sample Authorization Letter for Claiming Money on Someone’s Behalf
A written statement proving that you give the representative full authority to claim the amount of money addressed to you on your behalf, whether it’s from a person or a company/organization.
14. Sample Authorization Letter for Withdrawing Money/Bank Withdrawal Through a Representative
A letter stating that you give your family/representative authority to withdraw money from your account through an ATM or over-the-counter withdrawal.
15. Sample Authorization Letter for School Enrolment
A letter stating that you give the representative authority to enroll and sign the documents from the school on your behalf.
16. Sample Authorization Letter for Request/Claiming of the Transcript of Records (TOR)
A letter permitting the representative to request or claim your transcript of records from your school/university on your behalf.
17. Sample Authorization Letter for Claiming or Receiving a Package
A written statement that proves the representative can claim your package during your absence.
18. Sample Authorization Letter for Claiming of TIN ID
A letter permitting the bearer of the letter to claim your Tax Identification Number ID while you are unavailable. Depending on your RDO, they may require either an authorization letter or a Special Power of Attorney, so it’s best to inquire beforehand.
19. Sample Authorization Letter for Claiming of Voter’s ID
A letter states that you permit your representative to receive your Voter’s ID from the Commission on Elections.
20. Sample Authorization Letter for Pag-IBIG Transactions
A letter stating that you have given your consent and approval to the bearer of the letter to act on your behalf while processing different Pag-IBIG transactions.
21. Sample Authorization Letter for Claiming of 13th-Month Pay
A written statement that proves that you have given your representative authority to claim your 13-month pay from the company you work for.
22. Sample Authorization Letter for Medical Treatment Authorization
Medical treatments need approval from a guardian if you are a minor or are not in the right state of mind. This letter states that you are giving your approval to the doctor or hospital to provide the care and medical procedures your relatives/others need.
23. Sample Authorization Letter for Allowing Someone to Accompany Your Minor Child on a Trip
A letter showing that you, the parent or guardian of the child, is giving authority to another guardian to take care of your minor child during a trip that you cannot join.
Tips and Warnings
- Ensure that the person you give authority to do the task needed is trustworthy.
- If you’re the representative, do not forge a signature for the authorization letter if the person you represent is absent. This is a punishable crime. If the person you represent cannot sign the letter, ask for his/her e-signature instead and attach it.
- Ensure that the template is appropriate to avoid confusion for all parties involved.
- Double-check your grammar and spelling before submitting the letter.
Frequently Asked Questions
1. Do I need to notarize my authorization letter? If yes, how much will it cost?
An authorization letter doesn’t need to be notarized to be deemed valid, but it is a good idea if you want to have it notarized to avoid any suspicions of forgery. Notarization is priced around ₱300, but this depends on the notary public so it may vary.
2. How long is the validity of an authorization letter?
An authorization letter is valid only on the date/s mentioned in the document.
3. How many copies of an authorization letter do I need?
As many as you need. It depends on how many parties are involved and how many per party need a copy of it.
Written by Meg Amante
Meg Amante
Meg Amante is a student who works part-time. She adores dogs and cats. She loves travelling with her family during the holidays to different Asian countries. Her ambition is to become a doctor in the future but while she is still a student, a good occasional binge-watch of her favorite series keeps her occupied.
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