How To Get PWD ID (Plus Guide to PWD Benefits)

Are you a Person with Disability (PWD) in the Philippines? Are you aware of all PWD benefits and privileges under the current laws, rules, and regulations in the country?
With over 1.44 million PWDs1 in the Philippines and with an estimated 15% of the global population2 having disabilities, protecting the PWDs, and providing for their benefits and privileges are necessary. After all, PWDs are one of the most vulnerable members of society.
The good news is that the Philippines has several laws fundamental for the PWDs’ well-being and protection.
In this article, you’ll learn the different benefits and privileges of a PWD, the step-by-step process of how to get a PWD ID, and answers to your most frequently asked questions.
DISCLAIMER: This article has been written for general informational purposes only and is not legal advice or a substitute for legal counsel. You should contact your attorney to obtain advice with respect to any particular issue or problem. The use of the information contained herein does not create an attorney-client relationship between the author and the user/reader.
Table of Contents
- At a Glance: PWD Discounts and Benefits Summarized Checklist (FREE PDF Download)
- What Are the Primary Laws Governing PWDs in the Philippines?
- Who Are Considered PWDs in the Philippines?
- What Types of Disabilities Are Covered Under PWD Laws?
- Complete List of Discounts and Privileges of PWDs Under Existing Laws of the Philippines
- 1. Transportation Privileges
- 2. Entertainment and Recreation Privileges
- 3. Health and Medical Related Privileges
- 4. Basic Necessities and Prime Commodities
- 5. Educational Privileges
- 6. Mandatory Full PhilHealth Coverage
- 7. Equal Employment Opportunity
- 8. Continuous Enjoyment of GSIS, SSS, and Pag-IBIG Benefits and Privileges Upon Retirement of the PWD
- 9. Funeral and Burial Services
- 10. Other Benefits and Privileges
- PWD Benefits in Some Parts of the Philippines
- How To Compute the 20% Discount and VAT Exemption Granted to PWD
- How To Get PWD ID
- Tips and Warnings
- 1. PWD foreigners residing in the Philippines are not entitled to PWD benefits.
- 2. Double discounts shall not be allowed.
- 3. If you are a PWD and at the same time a senior citizen, you may only use EITHER your senior citizen ID or your PWD ID to avail of the 20% discount.
- 4. PWD benefits and privileges are granted for the exclusive use and enjoyment of PWDs.
- 5. Using a fake PWD ID or faking a disability to qualify for the benefits is illegal and could result in you paying hefty fines or landing in jail.
- Frequently Asked Questions
- 1. I have a mental health issue. Can I apply for PWD benefits?
- 2. How long is the PWD ID valid?
- 3. How can I renew my expired PWD ID?
- 4. How much does it cost to get a PWD ID?
- 5. I lost my PWD ID card. How can I get a replacement?
- 6. How can I verify if a PWD ID is valid?
- 7. How do I report a fake PWD ID?
- 8. What shall I do if an establishment refuses to honor my PWD ID card and give me a 20% discount and VAT exemption?
- References
At a Glance: PWD Discounts and Benefits Summarized Checklist (FREE PDF Download)

Do you want an overview of the list of discounts and privileges available for PWDs in the Philippines? We’ve got you covered!
Simply download this PDF file to get the checklist of all PWDs discounts and benefits provided by the law. This is recommended if you don’t have time or the energy to read the entire article. For a more in-depth discussion, scroll down to read our comprehensive guide below.
What Are the Primary Laws Governing PWDs in the Philippines?
Over time, the Philippines has passed several laws to cater to the needs of the PWDs. Below are some of these.
1. Republic Act 7277 – Magna Carta for Disabled Person
Approved on March 24, 1992, this law3 aims to promote the full participation and integration of PWDs in society and seeks to support the improvement of their well-being.
2. Republic Act 9442 – Magna Carta for Disabled Persons, and for Other Purposes
Approved on April 30, 2007, this law4 extended the privileges and incentives of PWDs similar to those enjoyed by senior citizens.
3. RA 10754 – An Act Expanding the Benefits and Privileges of PWD
Approved on March 23, 2016, this law5 further provides more benefits to PWDs, such as VAT exemptions and discounts on the purchase of certain commodities.
4. RA 11228 – An Act Providing for Mandatory PhilHealth Coverage for All PWDs
Approved on March 4, 2019, this law6 aims to ease PWDs’ financial burden by providing them with the automatic benefits of PhilHealth.
Who Are Considered PWDs in the Philippines?
Persons with Disability refer to those suffering from restrictions of different abilities as a result of mental, physical, or sensory impairment which prevents them from performing an activity in a manner or within the range considered normal for a human being (Sec. 4(a) of RA 7277, as amended by RA 9442).
What Types of Disabilities Are Covered Under PWD Laws?
Per DOH’s updated Application Form for PWD ID7, there are now ten types of disabilities.
1. Deaf or Hard Hearing
This refers to people with hearing loss which implies little or no hearing/ranging from mild to severe. Hearing loss, also known as hearing impairment, means the complete or partial loss of the ability to hear from one or both ears with a 26 dB or greater hearing threshold, averaged at frequencies of 0.5, 1, 2, 4 kilohertz.
2. Intellectual Disability
Refers to a significantly reduced ability to understand new or complex information and to learn and apply new skills.
3. Learning Disability
Refers to persons who, although normal in sensory, emotional, and intellectual abilities, exhibit disorders in perception, listening, thinking, reading, writing, spelling, and arithmetic.
4. Mental Disability
Refers to disability resulting from organic brain syndrome and or mental illness (psychotic or non-psychotic disorder).
5. Physical Disability
Refers to a restriction of ability due to any physical impairment that affects a person’s mobility, function, endurance, or stamina to sustain prolonged physical ability, dexterity to perform tasks skillfully, and quality of life. Causes may be hereditary or acquired from trauma, infection, surgical or medical condition and include the following disorders:
- Musculoskeletal or orthopedic disorders
- Neurological disorders
- Cardiopulmonary disorders
- Pediatric and congenital disorders
6. Psychosocial Disability
Refers to any acquired behavioral, cognitive, emotional, or social impairment that limits one or more activities necessary to effective interpersonal transactions and other civilizing processes or activities to daily living such as but not limited to deviancy or anti-social behavior.
7. Speech and Language Impairment
Refers to one or more speech/language disorders of voice, articulation, rhythm, and/or the receptive and expressive processes of language.
8. Visual Disability
This refers to a person who has impairment of visual functioning even after treatment and/or standard refractive correction and has visual acuity in the better eye of less than 6/18 for low vision and 3/60 for the blind, or a visual field of fewer than 10 degrees from the point of fixation.
A certain level of visual impairment is defined as legal blindness. One is legally blind when the best-corrected central visual acuity in your better eye is 6/60 or worse or your side vision is 20 degrees or less in the better eye.
9. Cancer
Cancer patients, persons living with cancer, and cancer survivors are considered PWD by virtue of Republic Act 112158, the “National Integrated Cancer Control Act”. Cancer, as defined by Sec. 3(b), refers to a generic term for a large group of diseases that can affect any part of the body. Other terms used are malignant tumors and neoplasms.
10. Rare Disease
Persons with a rare disease are considered PWD by virtue of Republic Act 107479, the “Rare Disease Act of the Philippines”. A rare disease, as defined by Sec. 4(k), refers to disorders such as inherited metabolic disorders and other diseases with similar rare occurrences as recognized by the DOH.
Complete List of Discounts and Privileges of PWDs Under Existing Laws of the Philippines
1. Transportation Privileges

A. 20% discount on
- Domestic air travel, including tickets booked online
- Public railways, including LRT, MRT, PNR
- Public utility buses, jeepneys, taxis, Asian Utility Vehicles, shuttle services, and Transportation Network Vehicle Services (TNVS) such as Grab and Angkas
- Fare, food and drinks, medicine onboard, and service recreation on all domestic passenger ships10
- Toll fees of skyways and expressways provided the PWD owns the vehicle
B. Use of PWD Accessible Passenger Boarding Ramps and stairs for all aircrafts
This is supported by the Joint Memorandum Circular No. 2018-001.11
- Presentation of the PWD ID is required to avail of discount
- For TNVS and taxis, the full 20% discount on the total fare shall be given regardless of the number of companions of the PWD
- For promotional fares, the PWD can only avail of either the establishment’s offered discount or the 20% discount, whichever is higher and more favorable
- PUV operators are required to designate seats in all their units specifically for the PWDs
- Online booking fees12 of PWD for any land, air, or sea travel services are also subject to a 20% discount and VAT exemption privileges13
2. Entertainment and Recreation Privileges

20% discount and VAT Exemption on
- Room accommodation and other amenities in hotels and similar lodging establishments such as massage parlors and sauna baths
- Food, drinks, beverages, dessert, and other consumable items, including takeouts in restaurants
- Utilization of services in sports centers such as swimming pools, bowling alleys, golf courses, gyms, clubhouses, skating rinks, and all other sports facilities
- Use of recreational facilities such as internet cafes, video games, and other similar establishments
- Admission fees on theater, cinema houses, concert halls, circuses, carnivals, museums, exhibit halls theme parks, and other similar places of culture, leisure, and amusement
- For a group of people with a PWD, only the proportionate share of PWD will be given a discount
- For a banquet or catering services (e.g., seminars), discounts may apply only to customers with disability
- Hotel and restaurant reservations made through online platforms, mobile applications, SMS, or phone calls are also subject to the 20% discount and VAT exemption as per Joint Memorandum (JMC) No. 01 Series of 2022
3. Health and Medical Related Privileges

20% discount and VAT Exemption on
- Generic and branded medicines
- Food for special medical purposes of the PWD
- Medical and assistive devices such as canes, crutches, walkers, diapers, and wheelchairs. Also include eyeglasses, hearing aids, dentures, prosthetics
- Professional fees of attending doctors in the pay section of government and private hospitals
- Cost of medical, dental, and rehabilitation services
- Diagnostic and laboratory services, including the use of special reagents, dyes, contrast
- Psychological, behavioral, and development tests for both in-patient and out-patient PWD in government and private hospitals and facilities
- Other services which are medically necessary for the prevention, diagnosis, treatment, rehabilitation, or palliation of the PWD
- All government and private hospitals, medical facilities, drugstores, and other establishments providing medical and health-related care and services are required to designate express lanes for PWDs
- The discount and privileges and VAT exemption are non-transferable and exclusively for the benefit of the PWD
- Double discounts are not allowed
- Purchase Booklet is required and issued to PWD for free
- The 20% discount and VAT exemption also apply to medicines, medical supplies, and teleconsultation services purchased/availed through online platforms, mobile applications, phone calls, or SMS (Joint Memorandum (JMC) No. 01 Series of 2022). To avail of this privilege, the PWD must send pictures of their ID, purchase booklet, and medical prescription prior to the purchase.
4. Basic Necessities and Prime Commodities

Five percent (5%) discount on the purchase of the following basic and prime commodities
A. Basic Commodities
- All kinds of variants of rice
- Corn
- All kinds of bread (pastries and cakes not included)
- Fresh, dried, and canned fish, and other marine products (including frozen and in various modes of packaging)
- Fresh pork, beef, and poultry meat
- All kinds of fresh eggs (excluding quail eggs)
- Potable water in bottles and containers
- Fresh and processed milk (excluding milk labeled as a food supplement)
- Fresh vegetables, including root crops
- Fresh fruits
- Locally manufactured instant noodles
- Coffee and coffee creamer
- All kinds of sugar and (excluding artificial sweetener)
- Salt
- All kinds of cooking oil
- Powdered, liquid, bar laundry, and detergent soap
- Firewood, charcoal, all kinds of candles
- Liquified petroleum gas, not more than 11 kgs, LPG content once every five months bought from LPG dealers
- Kerosene, not more than 2 liters per month
B. Prime Commodities
- Flour
- Dried, processed, and canned pork; beef, and poultry meat
- Dairy products
- Onions and garlic
- Vinegar, patis, and soy sauce
- Toilet/bath and soap
- Fertilizer, pesticides, and herbicides
- Poultry feeds, livestock feeds, and fishery feeds
- Veterinary products
- Paper and other school supplies
- Nipa shingles
- Sawali
- Cement, clinker, GI sheets
- Hollow blocks
- Plywood, plyboard, and construction nails
- Batteries (excluding cell phone and automotive batteries)
- Electrical supplies and light bulbs
- Steel wires
- The 5% discount can be availed of in supermarkets, grocery stores, convenience stores, and shops but NOT in the stalls in food courts, food carts, food vendors, public and private wet markets, “talipapa”, cooperative stores, and sari-sari stores with less than one hundred thousand pesos (PHP 100,000) capitalization.
- The total purchase price should not exceed one thousand three hundred pesos (PHP 1,300) per week without carry-over of the unused amount and at least the amount includes at least four items on the above list.
- Purchase of basic necessities and prime commodities via online platforms, SMS, phone calls, or mobile applications are also subject to a 5% special discount (Joint Memorandum (JMC) No. 01 Series of 2022). To avail of this privilege, the PWD must send a screenshot of their PWD ID and purchase booklet.
5. Educational Privileges

A. Full Scholarship or Half Scholarship in Colleges and Universities
This is for incoming PWD freshman students14 provided:
- Your General Weighted Average (GWA) must be at least 90%
- You must enroll in recognized priority programs in state universities or private colleges or universities with Certificates of Program Compliance
The application period starts March 1 to May 31 of every academic year.
You may apply online or visit the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) Regional Office where the school you graduated from is based.
B. Free Training and Assessment on All Existing TESDA Scholarship Programs
These scholarship programs15 include the Training for Work Scholarship Program (TWSP), Special Training for Employment Program, Private Education Student Financial Assistance (PESFA), Universal Access to Quality Tertiary Education (UAQTEA), and Tulong Trabaho Scholarship Program (TTSP). The following benefits are also included in your TESDA scholarship:
- Training support fund
- New normal assistance (One-time COVID-19 related expenses worth PHP 500.00)
- Workshop uniform allowance of PHP 500.00
- Accident insurance coverage for one year
- Book and learning material allowance
- Starter tool kits
- Entrepreneurship training
Related: 100+ TESDA Online Courses You Can Study for Free
6. Mandatory Full PhilHealth Coverage

All PWDs, regardless of gender, age, or ethnicity, registered in the DOH Philippine Registry of Persons with Disability are automatically covered by PhilHealth16.
- The registration process of PWD is automatic. PhilHealth, in coordination with DOH, National Council on Disability Affairs (NCDA), and LGUs shall use the Philippine Registry of Persons with Disability (PRPWD) as a basis for registration as a principal member of Philhealth.
- The LGUs responsible for the registration of PWD and issuance of PWD IDs shall make a real-time updating of their data registry for its migration to PRPWD.
7. Equal Employment Opportunity

- PWD shall have the same terms and conditions of employment, compensation, privileges, benefits, incentives, and allowance as a qualified, able-bodied person. They shall not be denied access to opportunities for employment.
- At least one percent (1%) of the workforce in government and private corporations are reserved for PWDs. In private corporations with more than 100 employees, at least one percent (1%) of all positions are encouraged to be reserved for PWDs17.
8. Continuous Enjoyment of GSIS, SSS, and Pag-IBIG Benefits and Privileges Upon Retirement of the PWD

To the extent practicable and feasible, retired PWD members shall continue enjoying the same benefits and privileges given by the Government Service Insurance System (GSIS), Social Security System (SSS), and PAG-IBIG, as are enjoyed by those in actual service.
9. Funeral and Burial Services

20% discount on
- Funeral and burial services for the death of the PWD
- Purchase of casket or urn, embalming, hospital morgue, transport of the body to intended burial site EXCEPT obituary publication and cost of the memorial lot
10. Other Benefits and Privileges
- Provision of express lanes in all commercial and government establishments; in the absence thereof, priority shall be given to them
- Free postal charges for marginalized PWDs on articles and literature like books, periodicals, orthopedic and other devices and teaching aids sent by mail within the Philippines and abroad, and aids and orthopedic devices sent abroad for repair
- Additional PHP 25,000 tax exemption may be claimed by the benefactor of a PWD. A benefactor is any person who takes care of him/her as a dependent
PWD Benefits in Some Parts of the Philippines
In addition to the benefits provided by law, some cities provide the following benefits. The list is not exclusive. Please visit the Persons with Disability Affairs Office ( PDAO) of the city or municipality where you reside.
1. Makati City
- Car tag
- Free movie
- Mobility aid such as a wheelchair, crutches, walker, and quad cane, among others
2. Quezon City
- Community-based rehabilitation
- Educational assistance program
- Protective services and protective custody for abused, neglected, and abandoned PWDs
3. Manila
- PHP 500.00 monthly allowance
- Job opportunities in fast-food chains and other establishments
4. Taguig City
- PHP 1,000 birthday cash gift
- Scholarship under the priority courses and skills training of the city’s Lifeline Assistance for Neighbors In-Need scholarship program
5. Pasig City
PHP 1,500 annual Christmas gift
6. Caloocan City
- Provision for cash and livelihood assistance
- Free assistive devices such as wheelchairs, canes, crutches, etc.
7. Cebu City
- PHP 12,000 yearly financial assistance
- Programs for the promotion of disability prevention and rehabilitation of the PWD
How To Compute the 20% Discount and VAT Exemption Granted to PWD
The 20% discount and VAT exemption granted to qualified PWDs shall be computed in the following manner18:
- Compute the total amount of sales with VAT
- Deduct the 12% VAT from the total amount
- Deduct the 20% sales discount from the total amount
- The sum is the amount that the PWD should pay
Sample Computation:
Amount of sale (with VAT) | PHP 1,120.00 |
Less: 12% VAT | 120.00 |
Total Amount | PHP 1,000.00 |
Less: 20% Sales Discount | 200.00 |
Total Amount Due | PHP 800.00 |
How To Get PWD ID
PWD ID or PWD Card is a useful and beneficial card that you should get if you are a bonafide PWD. The card provides you access not only to certain special privileges but also serves as proof to avail of the numerous discounts provided under the law.
PWD ID Requirements
To get a PWD ID, here are what you need to complete:
- Two “1×1” recent ID pictures with the names and signatures or thumb marks at the back of the picture
- One (1) Valid ID
- Document to confirm the medical or disability condition. You may get the proof of disability in the form of any of the following:
- Medical Certificate from a licensed private or government physician for apparent and non-apparent disability
- School Assessment from a licensed teacher duly signed by the school principal
- Certificate of Disability from the head of the business establishment or head of a non-governmental organization
How To Apply for PWD ID: A Step-by-Step Guide
Getting a PWD ID is pretty straightforward with the following four simple steps:
1. Complete All Three Requirements
Gather and complete all the requirements mentioned above.
2. Obtain the PWD Registration or Application Form (PWD-RF)
You can get it from any of the following locations:
- Office of the Mayor
- Office of the Barangay Captain
- National Council on Disability Affairs (NCDA) or its regional counterpart
- DSWD offices
- Participating organizations with Memorandum Agreements with the DOH
- Department of Health (DOH) online registration facility
3. Fill Out the PWD-RF
There are two ways you can fill out the form:
A. Manual Method
- Fill out the printed form accurately and completely
- Affix one (1) ID picture on the accomplished form and staple the other. The latter will be used on the actual ID
- Attach a copy of the document confirming your medical or disability condition
B. Online Method
- Access the DOH Philippine PWD Registry System (DOH-PPWDRS) and click the Online ID Application tab
- Enter completely and accurately all the required PWD registration data
- Print the accomplished form
- Affix one ID picture on the accomplished form, and staple the other
- Attach a copy of the document confirming your medical or disability condition
4. Submit the Accomplished PWD-RF
Submit the completely filled out form and the attachments to the City or Municipal Mayor or Barangay Captain via the PDAO located in the city/municipality/barangay where you are located.
Once submitted, the City or Municipal Mayor or Barangay Captain via the PDAO will do the following:
- Check and/or verify the data and document to confirm the disability or medical condition of the applicant
- Assign a PWD number and affix it to the PWD-RF
- Fill out the data required on the ID card
- Issue the ID card to the PWD
- Submit the accomplished PWD-RF and attached requirements to the City or Municipal Social Welfare Development Office for data encoding to the DOH-PPWDRS
Tips and Warnings
1. PWD foreigners residing in the Philippines are not entitled to PWD benefits.
However, if you are a Filipino who holds a foreign passport but is registered as a dual citizen or if you have reacquired your Filipino citizenship, you are eligible for certain PWD benefits and privileges.
2. Double discounts shall not be allowed.
You may either avail the establishment’s offered discount or the 20% discount + VAT exemption, whichever is higher or more favorable to you.
3. If you are a PWD and at the same time a senior citizen, you may only use EITHER your senior citizen ID or your PWD ID to avail of the 20% discount.
You can’t use both.
4. PWD benefits and privileges are granted for the exclusive use and enjoyment of PWDs.
5. Using a fake PWD ID or faking a disability to qualify for the benefits is illegal and could result in you paying hefty fines or landing in jail.
Frequently Asked Questions
1. I have a mental health issue. Can I apply for PWD benefits?
Yes. Psychosocial disability is listed as one of the disabilities covered by the law. Some examples of this type of disability include anxiety disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, social phobia or mood disorder, depression, and bipolar19.
When applying for a PWD card, you should submit a document from a licensed private or government doctor to confirm your medical condition.
2. How long is the PWD ID valid?
The PWD ID is valid only for three (3) years.
3. How can I renew my expired PWD ID?
To renew an expired PWD card, you just have to submit the same requirements and follow the same procedures in applying for a PWD card. You also need to surrender your old card.
4. How much does it cost to get a PWD ID?
PWD ID card is free of charge for first-time applicants. For renewal or replacement of lost cards, NDAO charges a minimal amount, usually around PHP 100.
5. I lost my PWD ID card. How can I get a replacement?
For a lost PWD ID card, you need to execute an Affidavit of Loss. Submit the affidavit together with all the requirements to the PDAO in the city/municipality/barangay where you are located. The procedure is the same when applying for a PWD ID card.
6. How can I verify if a PWD ID is valid?
You may check online via the DOH’s PWD Registration System. The portal holds the database of all IDs issued to PWDs. Just type in the PWD ID number under the ID verification tab, and it will generate a result confirming the existence or non-existence of the ID.
7. How do I report a fake PWD ID?
You may report any incidents involving the use of fake ID to the National Council on Disability Affairs (NCDA) thru their hotline (632) 9516033 or email at [email protected], LGU through the PDAO, NBI, or to any law enforcement agencies.
8. What shall I do if an establishment refuses to honor my PWD ID card and give me a 20% discount and VAT exemption?
You may file a complaint with the National Council on Disability Affairs (NCDA) and/or to the respective LGU through the PDAO where you purchase the items or where you live, whichever is convenient to you.
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- Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines. Republic Act No. 7277 (Magna Carta for Disabled Persons) (1992). Metro Manila.
- Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines. Republic Act No. 9442 (Magna Carta for Disabled Persons, and for Other Purposes) (2007). Metro Manila.
- Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines. Republic Act No. 10754 (An Act Expanding the Benefits and Privileges of PWD) (2016). Metro Manila.
- Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines. RA 11228 (An Act Providing for Mandatory PhilHealth Coverage for All PWDs) (2019). Metro Manila.
- Philippine Registry For Persons with Disabilities (PRPWD) Application Form. (2021). (p. 2). Retrieved from
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- Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines. Republic Act 10747 (Rare Disease Act of the Philippines) (2016). Metro Manila.
- Department of Transportation and Communications. (2017). MARINA Circular No. 2017-03 (Omnibus Rules and Regulations on the Grant of Privileges for Students, Persons with Disability (PWDs), and Senior Citizens on Board Domestic Passenger Ships). Maritime Industry Authority (MARINA).
- Department of Transportation, Civil Aviation Authority of the Philippines, Civil Aeronautics Board, Manila International Airport Authority, Clark International Airport Corporation, and Mactan Cebu International Airport Authority. (2018). Joint Memorandum Circular No. 2018-001 (Installation of Accessible Passenger Boarding Ramps/Aircraft Stairs for PWDs and Senior Citizens).
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- Department of Trade and Industry (DTI), Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD), National Commission of Senior Citizens (NCSC), National Council on Disability Affairs (NCDA), Department of Health (DOH), Department of Interior and Local Government (DILG), and Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR). (2022). Joint Memorandum (JMC) No. 01 Series of 2022: Guidelines on the Provision of the Mandatory Statutory Benefits and Privileges of the Senior Citizens and Persons with Disabilities on Their Purchases Through Online (E-Commerce) and Phone Call/SMS. Retrieved from
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- Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines. Republic Act No. 11228 (An Act Providing for the Mandatory PhilHealth Coverage for All Persons With Disability (PWDs), Amending for the Purpose Republic Act No. 7277, As Amended, Otherwise Known As The “Magna Carta for Persons With Disability) (2019). Metro Manila.
- Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines. Republic Act No. 10524 (An Act Expanding the Positions Reserved for Persons With Disability, Amending for the Purpose Republic Act No. 7277, As Amended, Otherwise Known As The Magna Carta for Persons With Disability) (2013). Metro Manila.
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Written by Atty. Kareen Lucero
Atty. Kareen Lucero
Kareen Lucero is a lawyer previously doing litigation before working for different agencies in the government and for a multinational corporation. She has traveled to 52+ countries including a 3-month solo backpacking in South East Asia and more than 1 year of solo traveling across four continents in the world. As part of giving back, she is passionate about sharing her knowledge of law and travel. She is currently doing consulting work for a government agency. For inquiries, you may reach her via Facebook Messenger ( or email ([email protected]).
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